Book 1


by Holly Hood

Published 21 June 2013

In a town fulls of lies. One secret will change everything.

When Hope meets Slade Andrews for the first time, he frightens her. His tattoos and the baseball bat resting against his shoulder tell her to stay away from him. She’s new to California and doesn’t fit in with the rich people. They both don’t belong in the small town of Cherry, California. The local kids quickly spill the gossip about Slade. Claiming he was involved in the death of a young girl. And he’s practices witchcraft. Hope is forced to find out the truth.

Despite their warnings Hope keeps running into Slade. He’s showing up at night. He’s inviting her to concerts. She’s drawn to him. It doesn’t matter how dangerous they say he is; she wants to know more. How could the rumors be true? He’s only ever looked out for her. She’s determined to prove he’s not what the town paints him to be.

Just when Hope is falling for Slade, the town accuses him of another attack. Despite everyone warning her to end things, this only makes her hold on even tighter to the bond they formed. But a shocking secret about Slade’s past could ruin everything they have.

Book 2

Twisted Magic

by Holly Hood

Published 11 July 2018

Hope is now a witch. She never realized becoming one meant dealing with evil. She soon is learning that being a witch comes with a lot of bad consequences. She is now a member of a dark circle that is bent on destruction. Evil is all around, begging her to join. She wants to be with Slade, but the darkness is a lot for a girl like Hope to handle.
She soon learns there is a side of Slade and magic that she wishes she never knew existed.

Soon she is battling a coven, and her own personal life.

Should she stay true to the girl she always was or take a chance with the greatest guy she ever met?

This new life could turn her into something evil; she has to decide if it is worth it.

Book 3

Sinful Magic

by Holly Hood

Published 7 July 2018

Slade saved her life...
but none of that matters anymore...

Torn between her love for Slade and her own existence, Hope has to fight to keep one while battling to save the other. They say it all falls apart in the end. Walking away isn’t always easy.
Hope believed in Slade…
But sometimes belief has a horrible way of destroying your life.
Can their love survive or will it all just fall apart?

Book 4

Grim Magic

by Holly Hood

Published 12 July 2018

Darkness is all around and Hope could be the next victim. Things just keep getting worse, but Hope's determination to save those that she loves is strong.

Cherry is even more dangerous, and Hope is even more determined. She will fight to the bitter end to get her life back to the way that it once was. She soon realizes fighting for not just herself but those she loves is almost impossible. Especially against Kenny Carlo. When everything starts to fall apart she realizes just how far she must go to save it all.

In the most sexy and fast paced book yet, Grim Encounters will leave you on your knees begging for more.

Book 5

Fading Magic

by Holly Hood

Published 14 July 2018


They say home is where the heart is…unless you’re running away from something.

Hope is home, back where she belongs. All her familiar surroundings, all the parts of her life that made her who she was before she met Slade, but coming home is a battle in itself and Hope has a lot to fix and a lot of memories chasing after her.

As long as Hope and Slade are together they can fight through anything. They both want their happy ending, it’s just a matter of grabbing it and holding on tight.

Fading Magic will bring you to your knees. It will give you all the answers you are looking for. Even the ones you don’t want.

Just remember, everything fades away in the end…

Book 6

Haunting Magic

by Holly Hood

Published 18 January 2016

Happily ever after…

Hope and Slade have been through a lot. But nothing compares to what is ahead.

On the eve of one of the best days of their lives, Hope and Slade are trying to enjoy life together. But the things lurking in the shadows are more of a problem then Hope ever imagined. She can only try to stop the chaos inside of her mind before it controls her life completely. If she doesn’t, everything she always wanted might fall apart.

Book 7

Hollow Magic

by Holly Hood

Published 7 December 2018

Everybody needs to know where they belong. What their purpose is. What good can they bring in to the world? Hope is no different. She is struggling to figure out where she belongs. Battling with her past, struggling with her fate.

They say love holds the answer to everything—love can destroy if in the wrong hands.

Hope makes one bad decision after the other while trying to fix herself.
Will it be too late to do what's right?

Books 1-4