Book 889

Just Kiss Me

by Kathleen O'Reilly

Published 1 August 2002

When Amanda Sedgewick runs out of nice ways to say "no way" to dating Dr. Avery Barrington, she dumps her defensive posturing and goes on the offensive. She signs up Joe, Avery's young hunk of a brother, for a faux fling.

Truth be told, Amanda's always had the hots for the laid-back, rough-around-the-edges, drop-dead gorgeous Joe. But how to turn her fantasy into reality? As a successful attorney, Amanda spends her days being convincing in the courtroom; now she wants to spend her nights being convincing in the bedroom-with Joe. He wants to play it careful-no pressure, no risk-until the sexual sparks soon cost them everything!

Book 927

Book 975

"Directionally challenged" Beth Von Meeter has had it up to here with watching her friends saunter down the aisle. But when she turns to an online matchmaking service, Beth finds herself sitting across the table from Spencer James, the blunt but sexy newspaper journalist, who has an offer she can't refuse.

Be the subject for his story on computer dating and he'll help her snag a marriage-minded guy...pronto.

Unlike Beth, Spencer can't imagine actually looking for love. His own heart is burned to a crisp and he's determined to live by one rule- don't get involved with anyone unless it's just sex... nothing more. But when an accidental touch erupts into a sizzling night of white-hot desire, Spencer can't help but think he's finally met his match-but that can't be right, can it?