Book 2

The Plant Cycle

by Nina Morgan

Published 31 May 1993
The Plant Cycle explains how plants get their food, the importance of sunlight and how plants reproduce and decay. Simple experiments encourage children to put their knowledge to the test.

Book 8

This book focuses on how water is essential for life and how our supply on Earth is constantly renewed by the water cycle. It looks at the environmental consequences of human activity, such as industrial pollution, and how this affects the water supply. Throughout the book, focus panels look in detail at how people, plants and animals co-exist and investigative panels encourage further research.

The Human Cycle

by David Smith and Nina Morgan

Published 1 October 1993

The Food Cycle

by David Smith

Published 31 March 1997
"The Food Cycle" explains where different foods come from and what happens to them before they reach the shops. The importance of hygiene in food preparation and eating a healthy balanced diet is emphasized. Digestion and the waste system are also covered. Simple experiments encourage children to put what they've learnt into action.

The Food Cycle

by Nina Morgan

Published 1 October 1993
Discusses the role food plays in our health, where different foods come from, and how food is processed for sale around the world. Includes scientific activities and projects.