Mary Seacole

by Sarah Ridley

Published 12 June 2009
An informative first look at famous figures through history.

Florence Nightingale

by Sarah Ridley

Published 12 March 2009
An engaging first-look at some of the most important and influential people in history. Florence was famous for being the "Lady with the Lamp" and her incredible achievements in the Crimea. An inspirational and brilliant woman who has changed the face of nursing.

Nelson Mandela

by Sarah Ridley

Published 14 May 2009
The 'History Makers' series provides an informative first look at famous figures throughout history. The easy to read text gives essential information and timelines have been included.

Winston Churchill

by Sarah Ridley

Published 10 April 2009
This series presents an informative look at famous figures through history. This easy-to-read text gives you the essential information on Winston Churchill.

Guy Fawkes

by Sarah Ridley

Published 12 June 2009

History Makers: Henry VIII

by Sarah Ridley

Published 10 April 2009
An engaging first-look at some of the most important and influential people in history. Henry was famous for having six wives and quarelling with the Catholic church. One of our most famous and notorious kings.

Martin Luther King

by Sarah Ridley

Published 14 May 2009
An engaging first-look at some of the most important and influential people in history. Martin Luther King is famous for his passionate fight for equal rights and is one of history's most important leaders.

Anne Frank

by Sarah Ridley

Published 12 March 2009
An engaging first-look at some of the most important and influential people in history. Anne Frank is famous for her diary, which she wrote during occupied Eurpoe during the Scond World War. An inspirational child who's story has touched the hearts and conscience of millions.

History Makers: Guy Fawkes

by Sarah Ridley

Published 11 April 2013
An engaging first-look at some of the most important and influential people in history. Guy Fawkes is famous for plotting to blow up Parliament and the King, but also for getting caught! Fascinating background details leading up to the plot show just how close they were to succeeding.