Have you ever:
Wrestled a crocodile?
Dived with great white sharks?
Had a tarantula walk on your hand?
If you answered NO to all of the above then this is the book for you!
Are you a scaredy cat? Perfect! Feel frightened of animals? Woohoo! Inside you can read about loads of crazy stuff and how to survive - or avoid it.
Love you inner wimp!

Deadly Land Predators - Polar Bears, Lions, Tigers, Snakes, Hippopotamuses
Under Water Killers - Sharks, Box Jellyfish, Crocodiles
Tiny Assassins - Mosquitos, Spiders, Scorpions

This title is published by Franklin Watts EDGE, which produces a range of books to get children reading with confidence. We believe this title will be of interest to readers aged 7+ and to older readers who struggle with reading.
EDGE - for books kids can't put down.

The Supernatural

by Tracey Turner

Published 10 January 2013

Have you ever:
Chopped the head off a zombie?
Been chased by a werewolf?
Spent the night in a haunted house?
If you answered NO to all of the above then this is the book for you!
Frightened of ghosts? Great! Do your legs turn to jelly? Cool! Inside you can read about loads of crazy stuff and how to survive - or avoid it.

Ghastly Ghosts - Mists, Orbs and Shadows, Apparitions, Poltergeists, Weird Ghosts, Screaming Skulls
The Undead - Zombies, Vampires
Lycanthropes - Werewolves
Places to Avoid - Haunted Castles and Houses

This title is published by Franklin Watts EDGE, which produces a range of books to get children reading with confidence. We believe this title will be of interest to readers aged 7+ and to older readers who struggle with reading.
EDGE - for books kids can't put down.

Have you ever:
Paddled down the Amazon River?
Been stung by a scorpion?
Gone without food for a day?
If you answered NO to all of the above then this is the book for you!
Terrified of bugs? Great! Feel sick about travelling? Fantastic! Inside you can read about loads of crazy stuff and how to survive - or avoid it.
Love your inner wimp!

Surviving - Water, Shelter, Food
Jungle Animals - Creepy Crawlies, Spiders, Big Cats, Gorillas, Killer Birds, Piranha, Electric Eels, Toxic Frogs, Snakes, Crocs, Alligators and Caimans
Disgusting and Deadly Diseases - Your Guide to Fatal Diseases, Jungle Sickness, Unpleasant Parasites

This title is published by Franklin Watts EDGE, which produces a range of books to get children reading with confidence. We believe this title will be of interest to readers aged 7+ and to older readers who struggle with reading.
EDGE - for books kids can't put down.

Extreme Sports

by Tracey Turner

Published 23 May 2013

Have you ever:
Climbed Mount Everest?
Been a skateboarding champion?
Won a race at school sports day?

If you answered NO to all of the above then this is the book for you! Scared of heights? Great! Feel green about extreme sports? Super! Inside you can read about lots of crazy stuff and how to survive - or avoid it.
Love your inner wimp!

Extreme Sports on Land - Bikes, Climbing, Speed Skiing (and Bobsleigh), Extreme Running and Triathlon
Extreme Water Sports - Cliff Diving, Extreme Swimming, Extreme Boats, Surfing
Extreme Sports in Mid-Air - Skydiving, Wingsuit Flying, BASE jumping, Bungee Jumping, Slacklining and Highlining

This title is published by Franklin Watts EDGE, which produces a range of books to get children reading with confidence. We believe this title will be of interest to readers aged 7+ and to older readers who struggle with reading.
EDGE - for books kids can't put down.

Have you ever:
Climbed Mount Everest?
Been a skateboarding champion?
Won a race at school sports day?

If you answered NO to all of the above then this is the book for you! Scared of heights? Great! Feel green about extreme sports? Super! Inside you can read about lots of crazy stuff and how to survive - or avoid it.
Love your inner wimp!

Extreme Sports on Land - Bikes, Climbing, Speed Skiing (and Bobsleigh), Extreme Running and Triathlon
Extreme Water Sports - Cliff Diving, Extreme Swimming, Extreme Boats, Surfing
Extreme Sports in Mid-Air - Skydiving, Wingsuit Flying, BASE jumping, Bungee Jumping, Slacklining and Highlining

This title is published by Franklin Watts EDGE, which produces a range of books to get children reading with confidence. We believe this title will be of interest to readers aged 7+ and to older readers who struggle with reading.
EDGE - for books kids can't put down.