The Real Deal

by Sam Carter

Published 30 July 2009

Lewis is in at the deep end!

Lewis finds some great stuff -- and lots of cash -- hidden at the old swimming pool. It must be stolen, and that spells trouble!

This title is published by Franklin Watts EDGE, which produces a range of books to get children reading with confidence. EDGE - for books children want to read, and books children can read.

Car Wash

by Sam Carter

Published 24 September 2009

Harvey cleans up at the car wash!

Harvey and the Crew set up a car wash. It's messy and fun -- and it makes them some money. But then the Cheetas come calling. They want some of the cash, or else!

This title is published by Franklin Watts EDGE, which produces a range of books to get children reading with confidence. EDGE - for books children want to read, and books children can read.

Good Luck, Bad Luck

by Sam Carter

Published 12 November 2009

Will this be Jade's lucky day?

Jade checks her email -- and finds a nasty chain letter. It says that she and the Crew will have bad luck all day! OH, NO! Jade must save the Crew.

This title is published by Franklin Watts EDGE, which produces a range of books to get children reading with confidence. EDGE - for books children want to read, and books children can read.

Geek of the Week

by Sam Carter

Published 12 November 2009

Ravi's not the geek this week!

Ravi's New York cousin, Jay, comes to stay for a week. He turns out to be a total geek! But then the Crew have a BIG problem -- and need his help.

This title is published by Franklin Watts EDGE, which produces a range of books to get children reading with confidence. EDGE - for books children want to read, and books children can read.

Day of the Dog

by Sam Carter

Published 30 July 2009

Sam gets hot under the collar!

Sam looks after a big dog called Buster. But Buster has other ideas -- and runs off. Sam and the Crew HAVE
to find Buster or there will be Buster-sized trouble!

This title is published by Franklin Watts EDGE, which produces a range of books to get children reading with confidence. EDGE - for books children want to read, and books children can read.

Hot or Not?

by Sam Carter

Published 24 September 2009

Is Amber hot or not?

Amber loves football. She's the Crew's star player. She also likes Kai -- and wants him to ask her out. But Kai isn't into sporty girls, so Jade comes up with a plan.

This title is published by Franklin Watts EDGE, which produces a range of books to get children reading with confidence. EDGE - for books children want to read, and books children can read.