Flexible Working

by Carol Elston and Sue Orrell

Published 30 June 2005
Fully up to date for current legislation, Teach Yourself Flexible Working covers all situations in which flexible and remote working is beneficial to the employee and employer. It makes a convincing argument about how and why this working practice is gaining in popularity, and offers guidance to people wishing to change their working structures and contracts.

If you aren't already doing it, this book will show you how to become a flexible worker by reflecting on business practice, issues around lifestyle, finance and technology that will affect the flexible employee. It is highly practical and written in a friendly style with:

- case studies of real experiences

- bullet points and summaries

- diagrams

- charts and tables

- simple exercises to help the reader record

their thoughts and decisions

You'll learn how to:

negotiate a flexible working package

feel comfortable using the latest technology

achieve a work-life balance

remain efficient & effective without being home-

or office bound

TEACH YOURSELF FLEXIBLE WORKING offers instructive advice on how to discuss the possibilities of flexible working with your organisation or on feeling ready to go it alone.