Book 6

Second Opinion

by Claire Rayner

Published 25 August 1994

Book 6

Fifth Member

by Claire Rayner

Published 28 August 1997
Claire Rayner's new book is the fifth featuring George Barnabas, the female Head of Pathology at the Old East Hospital. Her fiance, Superintendant Gus Hathaway, has got a very hot case on his hands: the brutal murder of Conservative MP Sam Diamond which is shortly followed by the killing of a Labour MP. George cannot resist involving herself in the investigations especially when she realises that the murders are taking the same pattern as those of Jack the Ripper - who was known to strike five times.

Book 6

First Blood

by Claire Rayner

Published 26 August 1993

Book 6

Fourth Attempt

by Claire Rayner

Published 12 August 1996
The gossipmongers at London's Royal Eastern Hospital are working overtime. Three deaths in as many days among the staff? Worse, three suicides? Something must be very wrong. Dr George Bamabas, not one to stand for any nonsense, could have toldthem that the deaths were certainly not all suicides, but acidental death is so much less interesting for the rumour mill ...Yet when a fourth person nearly dies, one of George's own lab staff, not even she can calm things down. For this does not even look like an accident: it's attempted murder, and George herself, unbelievably, comes under suspicion. She has never needed much incentive to do some sleuthing; this time she has the strongest reason of all ...

Third Degree

by Claire Rayner

Published 14 August 1995