Modern Dance

by Andrew Solway

Published 27 August 2008
How do dancers make their own music? Which choreographer developed a duet for a dancer and a mechanical digger? Why was The Rite of Spring ballet so influential for modern dance? Modern Dance provides a detailed look at the development of modern dance, from the pioneering work of Martha Graham to computer animated dance and virtual dancers of today. The book looks at how the choreography and improvisation differ from other styles of dance, and explores the part played by costumes and make-up. There is also information on how to become a modern dancer.

African and Asian Dance

by Andrew Solway

Published 27 August 2008
Which dancers dance through fire? Why does it take several hours to put on make-up for a kathakali dance? Which dance company uses tai chi, meditation, Chinese opera movement, martial arts, modern dance and ballet in its dancing? African and Asian Dance provides a detailed look at the development of African and Asian dancing, from the huge variety of traditional folk dances to the modern techniques used by choreographers such as Germaine Acogny and the Cloud Gate Theatre today. The book looks at how the choreography and improvisation differ from other styles of dance, and explores the part played by costumes and make-up.

Country and Folk

by Andrew Solway

Published 27 August 2008
Which dance is performed on stilts? In which country would you find the famous Schuhplattler dance? What is folk dancing? Country and Folk Dance provides a detailed look at the huge variety of country and folk dancing from all over the world, from line and square dancing, to sword and stick dancing and storytelling within dance. The book looks at the many different styles and steps specific to a variety of country and folk dances, and explores the part played by costumes, make-up and props.

Latin and Ballroom

by Andrew Solway

Published 27 August 2008
Why was the waltz once thought to be a shocking dance? How did the lindy hop get its name? What is the paso doble? Latin and Ballroom provides a detailed look at the development of Latin and ballroom dancing, from the earliest social dances to the competitions and flamboyant shows of today. The book looks at how the choreography and improvisation differ from other styles of dance, and explores the part played by costumes and make-up. There is also advice on how to become a Latin or ballroom dancer.