Experience the Transforming Presence of God What if you could look over the shoulders of great saints from the past and learn from their example? Suppose you found a diary that contained the prayers, confessions, and dreams of some of history's most godly people. What might you learn? How might God teach you? The book of Psalms captures lessons that span the scope of human experience. How do I deal with guilt? Can I overcome fear? What will help me grow to trust God in uncertain times? Where can I find true blessedness? What leads to peace in relationships? These are just some of the life-changing lessons God wants to unfold in your heart as you dig into the teachings of the Psalms.

Six-session small group studies to build true community within the church and among the world Parables: Jesus, the wisest man who ever lived, had much to say about God, the human heart, the future, life, anger, love, and everything that mattered. Digging into the treasure trove of the wisdom and truth hidden in his parables will stretch minds, feed souls, pierce hearts, and shape his followers into true disciples.


by Bill Hybels

Published 23 September 1999
Our lives are like lumps of clay on a potter's wheel. Form, function, and beauty appear as God, the Potter, shapes us with his hands. He is in the business of molding our common lives -- even the ugly parts -- into something wonderful! In Colossians, you and your small group will discover how to place your lives in the secure hands of God. If you long to experience newness of life, this study will point the way. If you desire to see God mold and shape your spiritual life, home, workplace, church, and relationships, Colossians will teach you the pathway to a whole new you.

Sermon on the Mount 1

by Bill Hybels

Published 27 December 2001

Six-session small group studies to build true community within the church and among the world. Sermon on the Mount 1: In this greatest of all sermons, Jesus inspires, encourages, and challenges us to love God and love others in fresh and practical ways. He teaches us how we can enter into a more intimate relationship with the Father. Six-session small group studies to build true community within the church and among the world

Face the Tough Times with Confidence The question is not, "Will I face challenges?" The issue is, "How will I deal with the tough times that come my way?" No one travels far down the road without confronting the sobering reality that life can be hard. The book of Nehemiah is a case study in overcoming life's challenges. Wave after wave of pain pounded on the shores of Nehemiah's life, but he kept standing strong. A tsunami of relational, financial, and spiritual attacks came, but he withstood it all in the power of God. As we meditate on Nehemiah's story, we discover the hope and victory that come when we walk in God's wisdom through the challenges of life.

Come Close and Meet the One Who Loves You How do you jog your memory and restore your vision of God? A fresh encounter! Look into the face of the Father and see him smile with delight as he gazes adoringly at you. Open your eyes and stand amazed at the glory and intricacies of creation and remember the vastness of God's handiwork. Peek behind the veil of eternity and get a glimpse of heavenly worship and be swept into the party of praise. The book of Psalms opens our hearts and eyes to the presence, power, and character of God. In this ancient prayer book we discover how to connect with the One who loves us more than we dare to dream.

1 Peter

by Bill Hybels

Published 21 September 1999
The floodwaters of life are rising; the current races faster. You feel yourself slipping. You need a secure foothold . . . and you need it now! We have all experienced the heart-pounding feeling of losing our stability in the storms of life. We want to stand strong as followers of Christ, but the world presses against us with staggering force. Where can we find an unshakable foundation for life? In the book of 1 Peter, you and your small group will find a rock-solid basis for living in a precarious and uncertain world. God offers you hope, love, purpose, service, submission, and victory. You can stand strong against the flood as you anchor yourself to the bedrock of Jesus Christ.


by Bill Hybels

Published 21 September 1999
Satisfy the deepest longing of your heart -- God made us to run, jump, dance, and celebrate absolute freedom. Yet too often we feel bound by past failures, sin, and guilt. What will it take for the shackles to fall to the ground? Where can we find a freedom that no one can ever take away? In the book of Romans, God points you to the path of freedom. You will discover an inexhaustible, heavenly power to break the chains that bind you. You'll find forgiveness for all moral failures, a new future where all things are made right, and the joy of living in community with God's people. In Romans, you will walk the road of freedom that will set you truly free!


by Bill Hybels

Published 21 September 1999
In the labyrinth of life, we need practical and clear directions for making wise, Christ-honoring decisions. Which way do we go at the crossroads -- left, right, straight, or backtrack? What instructions does God offer to guide us along the way? The book of James offers a wonderfully practical collection of wisdom. Do you need to build perseverance? Overcome destructive desires? Build confidence as a follower of Christ? James gives clear guidance. Do you need instruction on using your words for good, and growing as a person of prayer? James has the answers. Dig into this book, and learn how to choose wise paths through life's maze.


by Bill Hybels

Published 23 December 2008
During the last hours of his life, Jesus climbed a hill called Golgotha. It was the place where common criminals were executed. The lamb of God was forced to carry his own cross up his final hill. Jesus knows what an overwhelming incline feels like. He pressed on and became our model of faith that endures...even in the most trying of times. Jesus' uphill victory led to our salvation and hope.As we watch Jesus in the passion narratives we see the best hill-climber ever. We discover practices that can be engrafted into our lives as a source of spiritual fuel to help us when we face the steep inclines of life. We all love those seasons when things go well, the wind is at our back, and sailing is smooth. But, as we follow Jesus we know there will be challenging times. In these up-hill moments we meet him in fresh ways and discover what it means to be his follower.

Sermon on the Mount 2

by Bill Hybels

Published 25 December 2001
Six-session small group studies to build true community within the church and among the world.Sermon on the Mount 2: In this sermon, Jesus calls his disciples to live out a love relationship with every person they meet--a relationship inspired and guided by his teaching and infused with the power of the Holy Spirit.


by Bill Hybels

Published 21 September 1999
Life as a follower of Christ is not a fifty-yard dash. It's a marathon. God offers strength for the race, cold water to quench our thirst, and fresh legs when we grow weary. We never run alone. He is always right beside us cheering us on or ahead of us leading the way. Do you need energy and refreshment for the race of life? In Philippians, you will find all you need to run with strength and confidence. If you desire joy beyond measure, perseverance, a servant's heart, hope for the future, a peace beyond understanding, and lasting contentment, look no further than Philippians. New Community Series -- a high-impact tool for experiencing the transforming power of God's Word. This cutting-edge series lets you explore life-changing topics from a biblical perspective in community with others in your small group. Challenging questions encourage you to reflect on Scripture and its impact on your life, both as an individual and as part of a community of Christ followers.

The Ten Commandments

by Bill Hybels

Published 22 December 2009
EXPERIENCE THE FREEDOM OF FOLLOWING GOD'S WAYSMy will be done? Or, "Thy will be done." Every day you have the freedom to set your own course. Follow God's clear direction. Or go your own way. It's one of the most important choices you will ever make. But the road is straight and the burden is light when you follow the divine road signs. The Ten Commandments are a heaven-sent source of liberation. For millennia, God's people have known that these laws bring freedom and sanity to a crazed world. Entire societies have used these truths as the bedrock of their moral and legal systems. Have you revisited these commandments lately?In Ten Commandments, Bill Hybels guides you back to these ancient laws and helps you hold them tightly so that you can live with peace in the Lord.

The Passion Story

by Bill Hybels

Published 22 December 2009
FILL YOUR TANK FOR THE JOURNEY AHEADDuring the last hours of his life, Jesus climbed a hill called Golgotha. It was the place where common criminals were executed. The savior of the world willingly carried his own cross up that final hill. Jesus knows what an overwhelming, uphill battle feels like. He pressed on and became the model of faith that endures; this study will help you better understand how Jesus' uphill victory leads to your salvation and hope.As you immerse yourself in The Passion Story, you'll discover a source of spiritual fuel to help you face the steep inclines of your own life. It's easy to be faithful when things go well-when the wind is at your back and sailing is smooth. But as you follow Jesus up the hill to Golgotha, you'll meet him in fresh, new ways and discover what it means to be his follower ... even in the most trying of times.

Romans 8

by Bill Hybels

Published 22 December 2009
FEEL THE SECURE EMBRACE OF GODWhere do you find hope, strength, and comfort in a world where brokenness, separation, and betrayal are spreading like an epidemic? The world may tell you to look inward, but God says to look upward. Through faith in Jesus, you can be connected to the heart of the Father with inseparable love. In Christ you are safe and secure.Romans chapter eight contains a message of hope-filled optimism. No matter what you have suffered, there is good news. Through the lens of this powerful chapter of Scripture, life begins to make sense again, hope rises like the sun after a dark night, and you can feel the strong arms of the heavenly Father wrap around you. You are a child of God, and the Father will never let go. Nothing can separate you from the love of God. And, thankfully, there's nothing you can do to change that.