Book 1


by Pat Mills and Angie Kincaid

Published 28 March 1991
From writer Pat Mills (Marshal Law) and artist Glenn Fabry (Preacher covers), comes a world of mists and magic and the ultimate Celtic warrior, Slaine! This classic tale of sword and sorcery, the epic saga that introduced 2000 AD readers and the comics world at large to a hero who makes Conan look like a boy scout, is finally available again, this time in a deluxe collectors' hardback edition. Exiled from his tribe, Slaine is forced to roam the land of Tir-Nan-Og with his dwarf, Ukko. Ahead of him lie terrifying ordeals that will require all of Slaine's famed warrior strength if he is to return victorious and claim his rightful place as King!

Book 3

The Sea Devils have risen against Tir Nan Og, the Land of the Young, and Sláine, once the first High King of Ireland, must protect his tribe against this new tide of evil.

Leading the demons is Moloch, a hideous Formorian lord, bristling with swords and driven by a perverse hunger for human suffering. Fighting alongside his warrior wife Niamh, Sláine must drive back the demons or pay a price too terrible to comprehend...

Book 5

Slaine the King

by Pat Mills and Glenn Fabry

Published 3 July 1987
From writer Pat Mills (Marshal Law)and artist Glenn Fabry (Preacher) comes a world of mists and magic and the ultimate Celtic warrior, SLAINE! This classic tale of sword and sorcery, is available again complete with a fantastic host of extras. Exiled from his tribe, Slaine is forced to roam the land of Tir-Nan-Og with his dwarf, Ukko. Ahead of him lie terrifying ordeals that will require all of Slaine's famed warrior strength if he is to return victorious and claim his rightful place as King!

Sláine: The Wanderer

by Pat Mills and Clint Langley

Published 22 August 2011
Tir Nan Og - the Land of the Young, a mystical place of myth and legend. Celtic warrior Slaine, the first High King of Ireland and Ukko his (un)faithful sidekick encounter everything from evil magicians and demonically-possessed maidens, to the bloody roots of modern day football, as they roam their world in search of adventure.The follow-up to the acclaimed Books of Invasion, features even more ground-breaking art from Clint Langley (American Reaper, ABC Warriors), unseen work by the late, great John Hicklenton (100 Months), and tremendous storytelling from comics' legend Pat Mills (Flesh, Savage).

THIRTY YEARS OF MYTH AND LEGEND! Marking 30 years of the Celtic barbarian s adventures, this special anniversary book brings together a sequence of new stories from creator Pat Mills and the biggest artists to have worked on Sláine over the past three decades. This hardback volume also includes The Art of Slaine, a retrospective of Sláine covers and commentary. A great collector's item and not to be missed by fans of great storytelling, art and warp spasms everywhere! Includes and afterword by Graham Linehan.

Rediscover one of the most influential graphic novels ever, with the Sláine: The Horned God – Collector’s Edition.

Timed to coincide with the 30th anniversary of its first publication, this new, larger paperback edition of the bestselling 2000 AD collection, written by industry visionary Pat Mills, features the groundbreaking fully-painted art of comics legend Simon Bisley. One of the most popular stories ever published in the pages of 2000 AD, The Horned God is a heady mix of Celtic mythology, extreme violence, and beautiful artwork. As well as Mills’ fascinating characters and saga-like storytelling, the stunning enormity of Bisley’s work on the series cannot be understated, with epic battles and vast landscapes evoking everything from the work of Frank Frazetta to Gustav Klimt.

This deluxe collector’s edition returns us to the mist-wreathed realm of Tír na nÓg, the ancient land suffering under the dominion of the Drunes; strange druids who have poisoned the land with their magic. Sláine has had enough of their tyranny and, through the Earth Goddess, he learns some shocking truths about the priesthood and his own future. Now Sláine must unite the four kings of Tír na nÓg and use their mystical weapons as he and the Sessair tribe prepare for all-out war!

Sláine: The Horned God

by Pat Mills and Simon Bisley

Published 9 December 2009

God Of War!

For too long the people of Tir-Nan-Og have suffered under the dominion of the Drunes; strange druids who have poisoned the land with their magic. Sláine has had enough of their tyranny and, through the Earth Goddess, he learns some shocking truths about the priesthood and his own future. Now Sláine must unite the four kings of Tir-Nan-Og and use their mystical weapons as he and the Sessair tribe prepare for all-out war!

This ground-breaking epic adventure is written by 2000 AD legend Pat Mills (Marshal Law, Nemesis The Warlock) and features the stunning painted artwork of Simon Bisley (Lobo, Hellblazer).

Sláine: Time Killer

by Pat Mills and Glenn Fabry

Published 18 July 2013
Slaine, Ukko his faithful, evil-smelling dwarf and trainee priestess Nest visit the fortress of the Ever-Living Ones. These arch-druids may hold the key to the final defeat of the evil forces oppressing Slaine's people, but a chance encounter hurls Slaine and his allies through time to evergreater battles, threats and challenges! Written by Pat Mills (Charley's War) with art by Glenn Fabry (Preacher) and Massimo Belardinelli (Mean Team) amongst others, this is the latest edition of the second volume of the classic adventures of the Celtic warrior Slaine.