Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Field Trip Guidebooks Series, Volume 376.

This guide book is based on a field seminar, given semiannually since 1976, for the American Association of Petroleum Geologists. The intent has been to use the classic carbonate platform sequence of the Lower Cretaceous to introduce individuals to the pleasures and frustrations of shallow-marine, carbonate sedimentation and diagenesis. The seminar has been strengthened immeasurably by the introduction of relevant subsurface material and exercises by Don Bebout. The following individuals assisted in the preparation of the manuscript: Marlene Moore acted as editor; Dana Maxfield printed the photographs; James Kennedy and Mary Lee Eggert prepared the figures. We must acknowledge the patience and confidence shown by the IGC Field Trip Committee, and in particular to Juergen Reinhardt, for allowing a considerable deadline extension due to personal circumstances and previous commitments.