"You know the story of the "Three Wise Men of the East", and how they travelled from far away to offer their gifts at the manger-cradle in Bethlehem. But have you ever heard the story of the "Other Wise Man", who also saw the star in its rising, and set out to follow it, yet did not arrive with his brethren in the presence of the young child Jesus? Of the great desire of this fourth pilgrim, and how it was denied, yet accomplished in the denial; of his many wanderings and the probations of his soul; of the long way of his seeking, and the strange way of his finding, the One whom he sought - I would tell the tale as I have heard fragments of it in the Hall of Dreams, in the palace of the Heart of Man."

The Spirit of Christmas

by Henry Van Dyke

Published 1 January 1905

The Other Wise Man

by Henry Van Dyke and Henry Van Dyck

Published 1 September 1989

"You know the story of the three Wise Men who came from the East to offer their gifts at the manger in Bethlehem. But have you heard the story of the fourth Wise Man who also saw the Star and set out to follow it? Artaban did not arrive with the other three to honor the Child Jesus, but his was a long, strange journey in search of a King."

Beautifully illustrated, this is a classic fireside reader; a story to become an annual family tradition at Epiphany.