Book 1

Blood Magic

by Jennifer Lyon

Published 1 January 2009

Book 2

Soul Magic

by Jennifer Lyon

Published 1 January 2009
"When an ancient pact is broken, powerful witches who once used their magic to help humanity become the twisted playthings of demons, and the mortal men who once protected the sorceresses become witch hunters, cursed with the longing to spill the witches' blood: an irresistible craving that will cost...Read more

Book 3

Night Magic

by Jennifer Lyon

Published 22 March 2011
Returning home to break the bond with the demon Asmodeus--or die--champion kickboxer and witch Ailish Donovan finds an ally in Hunter Phoenix, who, sworn to protect witches, awakens within her a dark and forbidden hunger.

Book 4

Sinful Magic

by Jennifer Lyon

Published 1 May 2011

Book 5

Forbidden Magic

by Jennifer Lyon

Published 10 April 2012

Book 5

Caged Magic

by Jennifer Lyon

Published 7 July 2015