Book 2165

Husband Recipe

by Linda Winstead Jones

Published 27 December 2011
Lauren's annoyed when her new neighbour's children playing interrupts her hectic work schedule! Until she meets Cole, the sexy single dad responsible. He was not the man from her husband list; he was too tall, too sexy - and definitely had too many kids! But somehow, looking into his blue, blue eyes, she forgot all that...

Book 2207

"Jacob Tasker had broken Daisy Bell's heart years before. Now his failing grandmother had fixated on the delusion that Jacob and Daisy were engaged, and was planning their wedding. So Jacob appealed to Daisy to pretend they were still a couple. For Grandma Eunice's sake, of course. Maintaining the charade was the toughest challenge of Daisy's life. Because Jacob's touch still made her heart ache with longing. But Eunice stubbornly clung to her delusion, so what was Daisy to do? It seemed odd, though, that except for this one aberration, Eunice's mind seemed perfectly fine ..."