There's a ball at Netherfield and you are invited! Join Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy as they dance through, not only the great ball room, but this illustrated learning guide to Jane Austen's most famous novel. With our simplified, kid-friendly summary and analysis this fanciful piece of classic literature will delight both children and parents. More than picture books, our educational learning guides offer an interactive story time for adult literature fans and their children, or as we like to call them - future lit fans.

Orphans, attic ghosts and afternoon tea all come together in our illustrated learning guide to Jane Eyre. As we follow our heroine, Jane, from childhood to womanhood, we see her brilliance shine as she learns how to love and be loved. Fantastically illustrated, we also explore the life of author, Charlotte Bronte, and the Victorian era in which this classic love story is set. More than picture books, our educational learning guides offer an interactive story time for adult literature fans and their children, or as we like to call them - future lit fans.

Come with us on an epic journey through ancient Greek mythology, where one-eyed giants and 6-headed sea monsters are only some of the obstacles our hero, Odysseus, has to overcome. With our beautifully illustrated story summary and analysis, you and your child can experience the greatest adventure story ever written, and even learn a bit about the legendary storyteller, Homer. More than picture books, our educational learning guides offer an interactive story time for adult literature fans and their children, or as we like to call them-future lit fans.

There's no greater maritime adventure than the incredible story about the mysterious, white whale Moby Dick. Join us as we board the spooky whale ship The Pequod, along with tattooed native whale hunters and the one-legged man everyone fears, Captain Ahab. This beautifully illustrated learning guide will pull you in, and not let go, until the tide spits you back up on land. More than picture books, our educational learning guides offer an interactive story time for adult literature fans and their children, or as we like to call them - future lit fans.

It's been called the greatest love story of all time, by the greatest writer of all time. In this classic of classics, Romeo and Juliet are forced to hide their love for each other from their quarreling families. This beautifully illustrated learning guide that takes you and your child back in time and place to Verona, Italy, teaches us that anger and hate overcomes nothing, while love and passion overcomes everything. More than picture books, our educational learning guides offer an interactive story time for adult literature fans and their children, or as we like to call them - future lit fans.