Vampire Island

by Adele Griffin

Published 1 August 2007
Siblings Maddy, Lexie, and Hudson Livingstone, who are vampire-fruit bat hybrids, struggle to adjust to living as humans in New York City while maintaining their individual vampire strengths.

The Knaveheart's Curse

by Adele Griffin

Published 17 July 2008
Being a vegan vampire with no social graces hasn't exactly made Maddy popular with other eleven-yearolds. But the day she befriends Dakota Underhill changes everything, even if Dakota only promises to be her friend for . . . well, for that day. Because when the leader of the Knavehearts...Read more

V Is for Vampire

by Adele Griffin

Published 3 September 2009
Lexie Livingstone, a vampire-human hybrid living in New York City and trying to gain mortality, faces typical ninth grade dramas like boys and school politics, as well as not-so-typical obstacles like obnoxious pixie houseguests.