
by Tim Stafford

Published 3 August 1995
Stress. Deadlines. Commitments. How can we find joy when life feels like a pressure cooker? Or display lifestyles of love despite the imperfections of ourselves and others? Paul's letter to the Philippians shows what it means to follow Christ when the going gets tough. This study guide will help you see how Christians can experience joy that is authentic and enduring -- even when life turns up the heat.


by Tim Stafford

Published 3 August 1995

Real Christian faith doesn't remain hidden in the heart: It shows itself through the lives we live. Faith grows as we cultivate perseverance, humility, and patience -- key attributes that the book of James commends. James calls us to demonstrate our faith in practical ways in the world around us. Studying James will help you prove the reality of your faith through sound actions, attitudes, and words in your everyday life.