The Year Of Living Famously

by Laura Caldwell

Published 25 October 2004

Some girls seek fame, others have it thrust upon them....

Clothing designer Kyra Felis has never been one to worship celebrities-she'd rather read a good book or make a blouse out of an old tablecloth. She marries Hollywood up-and-comer Declan McKenna for love, with no inkling of how his newfound notoriety will send her life spinning out of control.

But once Kyra reluctantly becomes a celebrity by association there's no turning back. And even though she has all the trappings of success, she can't do the things that make her happy-throw a party; drink a glass of wine (or four) at a quiet cafe; confide in her friends. When Declan's fame literally endangers Kyra's life, she starts to wonder, can she survive more than a year of living famously?

Night I Got Lucky

by Laura Caldwell

Published 1 September 2005

When Billy Rendell suddenly gets everything she wants, it turns out to be the last thing she needs...

A long-awaited promotion. Freedom from emotional baggage. A newly-ahem-amorous husband. What's wrong with this picture? Well...everything. For starters, Billy hasn't actually earned any of it. Instead, like some character in a fairy tale, this stuck-in-a-rut publicist had all her wishes granted overnight-which feels great, at first. But soon Billy's brand-new success starts to unravel-who'd have thought becoming a VP would be so Very Painful? Or that a harmless crush on a co-worker would turn not-so-harmless now that he's crushing back? It'll take a surreal, rollicking, high-stakes journey for Billy to realize what she really wants out of life...before it's too late.