Book 1

Bride by Mail

by Katy Madison

Published 1 January 2014
"'27-year-old fur trader seeks wife and helpmate.' Expecting a plain, dependable woman to reply to his advert, what Jack Trudeau actually gets is pampered fashion plate Olivia Hansson. There's no denying she's pretty, but patently ill-equipped for life in his simple log cabin--with its one bed--in the wild Rocky Mountains. Olivia must make a success of her new life. But how to convince her skeptical husband that she is capable? She doesn't cook and only knows how to grow flowers, not practical vegetables! Undaunted, Olivia sets out to win his grudging admiration--and his closely protected heart."-- From back cover.

Book 2

Promised by Post

by Kate Madison and Katy Madison

Published 17 March 2015
"Anna O'Malley is desperate to put her impoverished past behind her. Posing as a respectable lady, she becomes a mail-order bride, hoping to find security by marrying a wealthy ranch owner. When her stagecoach is held up, Anna shoots one of the bandits. But the man she wounds is none other than her fiancé! His brother--sinfully attractive Daniel Werner--must conceal that fact by any means necessary, but how long can Daniel keep up the facade when he craves Anna for himself?"-- From back cover.

Book 3

Want AD Wife

by Katy Madison

Published 19 January 2016

Owner of general store looking for a wife to start a family

Abandoned as a child, John Bench has always craved a family of his own. Even if it means advertising for a wife from back East.

Selina Montgomery must keep her new husband at a distance. Because if John discovers the truth about the secret she once carried, their mail-order marriage could crumble before it's even begun! They've promised to love, honour and obey, but can the spark that flares between them transform Selina and John's wedding vows into a passion that will last for ever?

Wild West Weddings
Mail-order brides for three hard-working, hard-living men!