Book 837

Warrior Or Wife

by Lyn Randal

Published 30 January 2007
In the heat and dust of the Roman arena, a woman stands alone. The crowd cheers for Leda, the famed gladiatrix. Watching is the man who loved and then left her - Marcus Flavius Donatus.Leda used to be Lelia, beloved daughter of a Roman senator. Exiled from the riches of her birth, she sold herself into gladiatorial slavery. Donatus is determined to right the wrong he did her and reclaim his bride!New Lelia faces the ultimate choice - independence and the danger of the arena, or an uncertain future with the man she once adored...'From the bloodlust of the gladiatorial arena to the silken sheets of a Roman senator's couch, Lyn Randal's story weaves a powerful and ancient magic.' - International bestselling author Gayle Wilson.

Book 854

Tempted by Innocence

by Lyn Randal

Published 29 May 2007