by Neil Demarco

Published March 1994
This text is part of the "20th Century Depth Studies" section in the Longman History Project. The project has been written and designed to meet the requirements of the Key Stage 4 syllabuses for London examinations (ULEAC). The colourfully-illustrated books include comprehensive support material for teachers and a clear format, making it easy for both students and teachers to use. It is suitable for all ability levels.

Longman History Project

by Neil Demarco

Published 28 February 1995

Longman History Project provides excellent source and review material for both the Modern World History and the Schools History Project specifications. This highly illustrated and motivating series is suitable for each awarding body and is targeted at students of all abilities

  • Builds students' knowledge and confidence through the wealth of relevant source material.
  • Motivates students with highly illustrated, clear and colourful texts and relevant photographs.
  • Regular review sections reinforce and analyse the information covered, providing valuable revision opportunities.