Book 1390

The Baby Bond

by Lilian Darcy

Published 1 September 1999

Bundles of Joy


Surrogate mother Julie Gregory was suddenly the only mother for the beloved baby she was carrying. And the baby's handsome father wasn't even aware she or the baby existed! Yet millionaire businessman Tom Callahan didn't intend to give up parental rights to his sudden heir. He insisted on an ice-cold marriage of convenience….

But the red-hot love Julie felt for her new husband wasn't the biggest surprise of all. They were expecting two bundles of joy–twins! Still, the pregnant bride knew her heart would always be empty without the most precious gift of all…Tom's love.

Sometimes small packages can lead to the biggest surprises!

Book 1449

Her Sister's Child

by Lilian Darcy

Published 1 May 2000


Still reeling from learning her late sister had borne a child, lawyer Meg Jonas prepared to confront her niece's father with a custody suit. But Adam Callahan had a bombshell, too-news even more shocking than Meg's own inexplicable attraction to the dashing doctor she'd meant to despise....

Adam had no intention of losing his beloved daughter to anyone-or anything. Desperate to save little Amy, he turned to the one woman who could help. Adam realized it might be dangerous to let Meg into his and Amy's lives-yet it was far more dangerous not to....

Book 1478

Raising Baby Jane

by Lilian Darcy

Published 1 October 2000


Connor Callahan had just met Allie Todd, but he immediately felt an overwhelming need to protect her. And to understand why she turned to ice whenever she held her baby niece. He sensed that beautiful Allie was weathering her own storm-one even fiercer than the snowstorm that had stranded them in a remote cabin. Her combination of strength and vulnerability tore at his once-restless heart. But it was only after he saved Allie from a near tragic accident that he suspected her innermost secret. What if baby Jane wasn't Allie's niece, but her daughter...?

Book 1542

Cinderella After Midnight

by Lilian Darcy

Published 1 September 2001

She had the dream dress, the shoes...

and a secret. For "Lady Catrina" was really plain, poor Catrina Brown-and she didn't belong at the glamorous ball she'd so boldly crashed. Cat's mission was desperate, yet success seemed within her reach. Until her gaze met Patrick Callahan's across the crowded room. The handsome millionaire bachelor was everything she despised in a man-wasn't he? Trapped in his heated stare, Catrina knew Patrick saw through her flimsy disguise. Come midnight, would he expose her masquerade...or would this magical night last until dawn-and beyond?

Book 1555

Book 1567

Finding Her Prince

by Lilian Darcy

Published 1 January 2002

Duty-bound to serve his country, Prince Stephen Serkin-Rimsky readily agreed to marry a beautiful stranger to safeguard the throne. Stephen wasn't prepared for the consuming passion Suzanne Brown's innocent kisses aroused in him-or that their marriage would feel so...

right. Still, this honorable prince knew his tiny country was counting on him to secure custody of their rightful heir- Suzanne's baby niece-at whatever cost. Even if it meant turning his back on what his own traitorous heart most desired!

Book 1603

Pregnant and Protected

by Lilian Darcy

Published 1 July 2002

For months, heiress Lauren Van Schuyler didn't know the identity of the man who'd saved her life and that of her unborn child. He'd kept her calm and safe, then slipped away in the chaos of their rescue. But when she met her new bodyguard, Daniel Lachlan, her pulse leaped and her heart cried out, It's him!

The handsome single father of twins tried to keep things strictly professional between them. Yet in Daniel's care, Lauren felt secure and cherished as never before. As her body blossomed, so did her feelings for her reluctant hero. Could Daniel's honorable intentions stand up to the fiery mom-to-be's determination to follow her heart...right into Daniel's arms?

Book 1620

For The Taking

by Lilian Darcy

Published 1 October 2002

To: King Loucan of Pacifica

From: Your Loyal Subject Carrag

We joyously received your message that you have found three of the four lost royal siblings of Pacifica. But I understand the eldest, the beautiful Thalassa, is still missing. We pray you find her and convince her to rule by your side. You say you desire a marriage of convenience only-for the sake of restoring peace to our troubled land. I know, Loucan, my dearest friend and king, you will try to bend her to your iron will if she refuses. But don't close your stubborn, wounded heart. As I recall, Lass is a gentle soul. Treat her kindly, and she'll be yours-body and soul-for the taking.

Book 1772

"Can I beg you on my bended knees to stick around for a bit, Sierra?" Ty said.

Every woman on the entire East Coast would have dreamed of receiving such an offer from 'the handsome millionaire businessman who now graced the cover of A-list magazine. But not Sierra Garrett. Because few people knew that their "bachelor of the year" was still her husband! Sierra intended to correct that technicality. But, when she arrived, Ty sidetracked her with his proposition to ward off his new female fans.

Of course, Ty had another motive. Because as long as Sierra stayed, he planned to use every charm known to mankind to convince jier to stay...and give their marriage a second chance!

Book 1816

Sister Swap

by Lilian Darcy

Published 9 May 2006


Wealthy businessman Gino di Bartoli Vouldn't put his finger on exactly what was different about the high-profile horticulturist he'd hired to "landscape his villa. But somehow "Rowena" seemed warmer, sexier, more vivacious...and he was suddenly attracted to her! Even more, she'd connected with his troubled, motherless daughter. Hearing his little girl's laughter was music to his ears. But as he tried to find out the truth about "Rowena," dare he risk his baby girl's newfound happiness? And dare he believe that the impostor under his roof was actually the right woman who could transform his house into a home?