Book 1572

Counting on a Cowboy

by Karen Sandler

Published 1 October 2003


Rugged rancher Tom Jarret would move mountains for his precious daughter. But sometimes a father's love just wasn't enough. Miraculously, wandering soul Andrea Larson found a way to reach his troubled little girl, and unexpectedly, the live-in teacher reawakened his wary heart, as well. But Andrea was as secretive as she was beautiful….

Andrea was so tired of moving from town to town, but remaining at the Jarret ranch with Tom was dangerous. All she'd ever dreamed of–true love, a family, a home–was finally within her grasp and she yearned to wrap herself in Tom's arms forever. But could she count on this cowboy to stick around once her shameful past caught up with her?

Book 1686

His Baby To Love

by Karen Sandler

Published 26 April 2005


Lori Jarret had first met tough deputy sheriff Gable Walker when she'd been in the grip of a terrible disease. He'd seen her at her worst–and helped her onto the road to recovery. Though he'd saved her, one encounter was enough….for both of them.

So, as luck would have it, who else would be the surprise guest already in residence at a supposedly "empty" chalet Lori had rented from a mutual friend? Quiet time to reflect turned into something quite different with the handsome lawman around…especially after he discovered that his "roommate" had another secret she was keeping….

Book 1733

The Three-Way Miracle

by Karen Sandler

Published 27 December 2005

Healing children, saving children, finding her heart

Sara Rand had moved to rural Hart Valley, California to help troubled kids. And she thought she'd found everything she desired - until Keith Delacroix arrived to help fix up her ranch. Keith was everything Sara had sworn off - handsome, strong and reluctant to discuss his past.

But the more time they spent together the more drawn to him she was. Soon Sara began to wonder what was behind Keith's hardened exterior. Could he be the miracle she'd been looking for all along?

Book 1751

Her Baby's Hero

by Karen Sandler

Published 28 March 2006


Ashley Rand spent the most incredible night of her life making love with Jason Kerrigan. Now she was pregnant, and the soon-to-be father had a right to know. But once they were standing face-to-face again, the take-charge CEO coolly and calmly informed her that she was moving-to his house!

Jason had no doubt he was the baby's father...and now he wanted a permanent part in both their lives! He'd had his reasons for leaving town back then, but now her was determined to do right by Ashley and his imminent family. Together, they'd created a miracle of life. Together, could they build a real home-with him as the true hero of Ashley's heart?

Book 1890

His Miracle Baby

by Karen Sandler

Published 26 February 2008

Book 1901

Her Miracle Man Karen Sandler

Jack Traynor rescued an injured woman during a winter storm ; and found himself stranded in his mountain cabin with a woman who couldn't remember who she was. The plight of his beautiful, elusive visitor touched him deeply. But would it be enough to break down his defences and allow him to open up to love?

No Place Like Home Margaret Watson

Running away is what single mum Bree does best. Until Parker Ellison, her sexy boss, begins to fall for her! Given her need to escape and Parker's commitment-phobia, they could be over before they even start. And that's too bad, since a place ; and a heart ; to call home could be what they both truly need.

Book 1955

Their Second-Chance Child

by Karen Sandler

Published 1 January 2009
Tony Herrera couldn't believe Becca Stiles had applied for a job at the home he'd started for former foster kids. And that he's hired her! Eleven years ago, she'd walked out on him and their marriage without a backward glance. But even as the attraction sizzled between them, the single father knew that letting Becca back into his life was asking for trouble.