Book 11

A Roman Gladiator

by Anne Steel

Published 29 February 1988
An introduction to the life of a Roman gladiator told in the context of the Roman games. There is a description of a gladiator's background, his training programme, the skills and weapons needed, the clothes he wore and the food he ate. Set against the backdrop of the Colosseum Games, a gladitorial fight demonstrates the precarious life of a gladiator. This study is designed to give children an insight into Roman life and leisure, the bloodthirsty events of the Roman games indicates how even a nation which considered itself civilized could also display great barbarism. Part of a series which introduces children to the lifestyles of ordinary people in history.

Egyptian Pyramids

by Anne Steel

Published 1 April 1990
Discusses the famous pyramids of Egypt, how they were built, and how they were involved in the religious beliefs and burial practices of the ancient Egyptians.