By Way of the Wind

by Jim Moore

Published 1 July 1991
The adventure begins when Jim Moore announces to his bride of two months that they will build a boat and sail to the South Pacific. Circumnavigating the world in a 36-foot sloop isn't generally regarded as an adventure to be taken lightly. However, lightly is just how Jim and Molly Moore took it and the story of their journey provides refreshing and amusing inspiration to all cruising sailors, actual or potential.

Swan-The Second Voyage

by Jim Moore

Published 3 January 1995
This is the story of a two-year, 10,000-mile voyage from Hawaii to the East Coast of the UNited States via the Panama Canal, with a sojourn in the Sea of Cortez. It is in some ways the sequel to the Moore's circumnavigation story, but it is also a nuts-and-bolts book, with specific tips on boat building, sailing, and living aboard, woven seamlessly into the narrative.


by Jim Moore

Published 1 January 1955
This is the story of a two-year, 10,000-mile voyage from Hawaii to the East Coast of the UNited States via the Panama Canal, with a sojourn in the Sea of Cortez. It is in some ways the sequel to the Moore's circumnavigation story, but it is also a nuts-and-bolts book, with specific tips on boat building, sailing, and living aboard, woven seamlessly into the narrative.