Safe In His Arms

by Dana Corbit

Published 1 January 2011

She Wants To Remember. He Wishes He Could Forget.

Lindsay Collins can't remember the accident that injured her and took her sister's life six months ago-but someone can. Trooper Joe Rossetti can't seem to get the images of that night out of his head. Plagued with guilt for not being able to do more to save Lindsay's sister, Joe doesn't want to get close to Lindsay.

But when he sees her struggle to relate to the orphaned niece she's now raising, he can't walk away. Lindsay and Joe will have to face their pain and doubts together in order to make a new family bloom.

A Husband For All Seasons

by Irene Brand

Published 26 December 2006

His faith was being tested for the first time: Chad Reece's promising pro football career was cut short by a devastating accident, and then a kidney transplant revealed his biological parents were a couple he'd considered family friends.

Shaken, Chad was determined to recover on his own, when he met Vicky Lanham, a pretty hospital volunteer. Vicky's passion for mission work impressed Chad, who felt a call of his own to assist others. Perhaps it was the start of God's new plan – a life together helping others.

Finally a Mother

by Dana Corbit

Published 1 January 2014
"Working at a home for teenage moms is a constant reminder for social worker Shannon Lyndon of the baby she gave up. When state trooper Mark Shoffner shows up at her door with a troubled teenage boy, Shannon knows she is looking at her own child. Temporary custody is given to Mark, but the handsome officer is more than she bargained for. She has another opportunity to be a mom, and Mark's rugged good looks and charisma are a distraction she can't afford. But as Shannon gets to know her son, and the man who is stealing her heart, she realizes that this makeshift family could be the happy ending she has always wished for."--Page 4 of cover.

Wedding Cake Wishes

by Dana Corbit

Published 1 January 2010

To save his mother's business, rugged outdoorsman Logan Warren has to learn about wedding cakes and keeping customers. A confirmed bachelor, he can barely handle the brides that come in wanting buttercream this and frosted that.

Yet when family friend Caroline Scott offers to help out, Logan isn't relieved. Caroline is his polar opposite. He's motorcycles and wildlife-she's business suits and ledgers. The one thing they have in common? Not wanting to get married. Until everyone else's wedding cake wishes have them dreaming of their own.

Little Miss Matchmaker

by Dana Corbit

Published 25 September 2007

To: Uncle Alex From: Chelsea Re: I think you should ask Miss Fraser on a date She's my favorite teacher ever and she definitely likes you, I can tell.

Everyone in town knows you're this brave firefighter. So why don't you be the hero of Miss Fraser's life? Maybe you could volunteer together at the Chestnut Grove Youth Center.

Uncle Alex, I know you're pretty busy as guardian to my brother and me, but you need a girlfriend. So I came up with a plan. It's my secret, but I know it will be the best thing that ever happened to all of us!

Yuletide Stalker

by Irene Brand

Published 24 October 2006

To Linc Carey, Maddie Horton had always been a gangly kid with braces.

So when a gorgeous woman walked off the plane, Linc was stunned at the changes in his late commanding offi cer's daughter. The Hawaiian holiday was his belated graduation present to Maddie, who'd been thrilled when her former crush invited her for a Christmas visit.

Neither expected romance to blossom in such a short time. But Maddie's dream trip soon turned ugly when the people responsible for her father's murder set their sights on her. Can Linc protect Maddie from her yuletide stalker?