Discover the sparkling world of stars, from their beautiful births to their dramatic deaths. Learn about our very own star, the Sun, as well as best-friend binary star pairs and dense neutron stars. Gaze at gorgeous galaxies and marvel at the Milky Way. Get answers to questions such as: * What's inside the Sun? * Where are the Pillars of Creation? * Why do stars twinkle? * How fast does a pulsar spin? * Which galaxy is a cannibal? * How long would it take to travel across the Milky Way? Perfect for the new curriculum, this fascinating title is packed full of astounding information and number-based jaw-dropping facts and figures to inspire future astronauts and space scientists.

Explore our stunning solar system and learn about its eight planets, from mini Mercury to giant Jupiter. Find out about marvellous moons and mighty meteorites, and discover curious comets and eccentric exoplanets. Get the answers to questions such as:
* How old is the Earth?
* Which probe took a space selfie?
* Why is Jupiter stripy?
* What is a hairy star?
* Where might it rain glass?

Perfect for the new curriculum, this fascinating title is packed full of astounding information and number-based jaw-dropping facts and figures for all aspiring astronaughts and science whizz kids.

Uncover the amazing story of astronomy, from terrific telescopes to outstanding observatories. Find out about the latest space probes, and learn how rockets lift off. Discover the remarkable astronauts who have set off on stupefying space walks, and take a look at life in space. Find the answer to questions such as: * Which space probe is the farthest from Earth? * How do you go to the toilet in space? * Which probe took a piggy-back ride on an asteroid? * What's a vomit comet? * How much do you grow in space? Perfect for the new curriculum, this fascinating title is packed full of information, number-based awe-inpiring facts and figures.

Travel back in time to the Big Bang, and learn about the formation of the universe. Explore the baffling world of black holes, and find out how scientists are searching for alien life. Discover the strangest sights of the universe, from quirky quasars to clouds that smell like raspberries. Get answers to questions such as: * What happened after the Big Bang? * How is the universe like a chocolate chip cookie? * Why can't we see black holes? * What is dark matter? * How might the universe end? This book is jam packed with NASA photography, key terms explained simply and fascinating, number-based space facts and figures for all aspiring astronaughts and science whizz kids.