The Sisterhood of the Queen Mamas

by Annie Jones

Published 21 November 2006

A woman wears many hats in one lifetime-why shouldn't one of them be a crown?

Meet Maxine and Odessa, the Queen Mamas of Castlerock, Texas. They may be getting on in years, but good luck keeping up with them!

Most days they're on the prowl at the Five Acres of Fabulous Finds Flea Market, searching for treasures among the trash, and turning life on its heels for:

Jan, the "perfect" former cheerleader with a big secret.

Bernadette, the bridal shop owner who seems destined for singlehood.

Chloe, the trouble magnet needing fashion intervention...and a boyfriend makeover.

Grab your shopping bags and join the feisty Queen Mamas as they dish out relationship repair, tag-sale tactics and humor that is truly priceless.


by Annie Jones

Published 30 December 2001
Wileyville, Kentucky, needs a graveyard superintendent. Accepting the mayor's proposition, Sadie adds'Fraidy Sadie the Cemetery Lady to the other roles thatsometimes seem unreal to her--former Dogwood Blossom Queen, pharmacist's wife, mother of two teenagers, daughter of aman who fancies himself King Solomon--or King Lear? But her daddy's antics and a journey with her sisters intothe past bring Sadie a stunning revelation, and anunderstanding of what she's been waiting for.