Book 2

The False Mirror

by Alan Dean Foster

Published 10 March 1992

Book 3

Spoils of War

by Alan Dean Foster

Published 16 March 1993

After millenia of relentless war, the union of alien races called the Weave was on the verge of winning a victory- thanks to their new allies from Earth, who in a mere handful of centuries had proved masters of combat. But then, the birdlike Wais scholar Lalelelang found disturbing evidence that Humans might not adapt so easily to peace- that natural Human aggression would next be turned against the Weave, unless they were once again confined to fight amongst themselves.

When her field research revealed the existence of a secret group of powerfully telepathic Humans called the Core, it looks as if Lalelelang would be the first victim in a new war between Humans and their allies. But just as her fate was sealed, a lone Core commander took a chance on her intelligence and compassion, gambling the fate of Humanity on the possibility that together they could find an alternative to a galaxy-wide bloodbath...

v. 1

A Call to Arms

by Alan Dean Foster

Published 27 March 1991
For eons, the Amplitur had searched space for intelligent species, each of which was joyously welcomed to take part in the fulfilment of the Amplitur Purpose. Whether it wanted to or not. When the Amplitur and their allies stumbled upon the union of races called the Weave, the Purpose seemed poised for a great leap forward. But the Weaves' surprising unity also gave it the ability to fight the Amplitur and their cause. And fight it did- for a thousand years.

Will Dulac was a New Orleans composer who thought the tiny reef off Belize would be the perfect spot to drop anchor and finish his latest symphony in solitude. What he found instead was a group of alien visitors- a scouting party for the Weave, looking for allies among what they believed to be a uniquely warlike race: Humans.

Will tried to convince the aliens that Man was fundamentally peaceful, for he misunderstood that Human involvement would destroy the race. But all too soon, it didn't matter. The Amplitur had discovered Earth...