Book 1

The Perfect Seduction

by Leslie Lafoy

Published 7 December 2003
After a lengthy journey, Seraphina Treadwell appears at the doorstep of Carden Reeves with his three young nieces in tow determined to ensure their uncle will properly care for her charges. However, judging by the man's rakish smile and dancing eyes--now alight with the fire of a new conquest--that day seems far off indeed.
A make who can make love and walk away with equal amounts of passion, Carden plays the seduction game to win. But beneath a rogue's clothing beats the heart of a man who has never been truly and properly seduced by a woman, let alone a woman who lives by her own rules and who could make him believe in love. Until now...
While pride will not allow Seraphina to surrender to a man who has never wanted anything beyond a single night, her heart will not be denied the sweet promise of love...

Book 2

The Perfect Temptation

by Leslie Lafoy

Published 1 July 2004
A confirmed bachelor and proper English gentleman, Aiden Terrell has sworn off marriage to pursue a career as a private investigator, but his determination is put to the test when he is assigned to protect the beatiful Alexandra Radford and her young pupil from an unknown threat. Original.

Book 3

The Perfect Desire

by Leslie Lafoy

Published 28 December 2004
IRRESISTIBLE INTRIGUE It takes all of Isabella Dandaneau's courage to walk into Barrett Stanbridge's office. After all, Barrett is one of London's most dashing bachelors, a notorious womanizer whose skill with the opposite sex is legendary. He also happens to be accused of murdering Isabella's cousin, Mignon. Isabella knows that Barrett is innocent. And she's willing to prove it-for a price...FORBIDDEN FASCINATION Barrett is suspicious when Isabella offers to help him clear his name, and with good reason. Isabella claims that her cousin hid a priceless treasure map somewhere in his home, and she wants Barrett to help her find it. Barrett reluctantly agrees, but as the pair joins forces, he has a hard time keeping his mind on the map-and off the impossibly delectable Isabella...DECADENT DESIRE As tender temptation ignites into an irresistible desire, Barrett is ready to renounce his roguish ways for good. But danger is lurking at every turn, and Isabella's life hangs in the balance. Will the love of a reformed rake be enough to save her?