Book 272

The main objective of this book is to give a broad uni?ed introduction to the study of dimension and recurrence inhyperbolic dynamics. It includes a disc- sion of the foundations, main results, and main techniques in the rich interplay of fourmain areas of research: hyperbolic dynamics, dimension theory, multifractal analysis, and quantitative recurrence. It also gives a panorama of several selected topics of current research interest. This includes topics on irregular sets, var- tional principles, applications to number theory, measures of maximal dimension, multifractal rigidity, and quantitative recurrence. The book isdirected to researchersas well as graduate students whowish to have a global view of the theory together with a working knowledgeof its main techniques. It can also be used as a basis for graduatecourses in dimension theory of dynamical systems, multifractal analysis (together with a discussion of several special topics), and pointwise dimension and recurrence in hyperbolic dynamics. I hope that the book may serve as a fast entry point to this exciting and active ?eld of research, and also that it may lead to further developments.

Book 294

This self-contained monograph presents a unified exposition of the thermodynamic formalism and some of its main extensions, with emphasis on the relation to dimension theory and multifractal analysis of dynamical systems. In particular, the book considers three different flavors of the thermodynamic formalism, namely nonadditive, subadditive, and almost additive, and provides a detailed discussion of some of the most significant results in the area, some of them quite recent. It also includes a discussion of the most substantial applications of these flavors of the thermodynamic formalism to dimension theory and multifractal analysis of dynamical systems.