Rooney 'Roo

by Barbara deRubertis

Published 1 January 1998
Rooney 'Roo is a rather solitary kangaroo until he learns to share his love of reading with a friend.

Perky Otter

by Barbara deRubertis

Published 1 June 1997
Neighbors Perky Otter and hard-working Bert the Beaver seem to be complete opposites until Perky learns that work is not all drudgery and her neighbor learns that play can actually be fun.

Marty Aardvark

by Barbara deRubertis and Vagreti Cockrille

Published 1 January 1996
An aardvark who longs to travel far takes a trip downriver on a barge and has quite an adventurous journey, before deciding that she will be glad to return home to her ant farm.

Bouncy Mouse

by Barbara deRubertis

Published 1 January 1998
After being scolded by his father for being too noisy, Bouncy Mouse forms a band that is a big hit at the county fair.

Wally Walrus

by Barbara deRubertis

Published 1 June 1997
Bad experiences with a bully make Wally the Walrus balk at going to school before he learns to call upon his natural abilities to prove himself.