How to Think Like Churchill

by Daniel Smith

Published 8 January 2015
Looking at defining moments in Winston Churchill's life and revealing his key principles, philosophies and decisions, this book will teach you how to think just like Churchill. Remembered for his leadership during the Second World War, Churchill's commitment to 'never surrender', as well as his stirring speeches and radio...Read more

A unique insight into the mind of one of the world's most extraordinary thinkers. Undoubtedly the most famous scientist on the planet and the very face of physics over the last half-century, Stephen Hawking is remarkable for many reasons. Not least because he has continued to strive to achieve...Read more

How to Think Like Obama

by Daniel Smith

Published 18 October 2018
Be inspired by Barack Obama and learn how to think big with this unique insight into the mind of one of the world's great influencers. Born to a black Kenyan father and white American mother, raised in Hawaii and, for a time, Indonesia, Barack Obama would typically never have...Read more

How to Think Like Mandela

by Daniel Smith

Published 13 February 2014

Nelson Mandela was one of the few men in recent history who genuinely changed the world - how we think about our place in society among other ethnic, political and religious groups and how perseverance, moral conscience and honest dialogue can help us achieve anything. Throughout his long life,...

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The work of Sigmund Freud, one of the most important thinkers of the past two hundred years, redefined the fields of neurology and psychotherapy and the way we view the human mind. Most strands of the psychoanalytic discipline can even today be traced back to the leaps in understanding...

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How to Think Like Einstein

by Daniel Smith

Published 1 September 2014

Best known as the creator of the world's most famous equation, E=mc2, Albert Einstein's theories of relativity challenged centuries of received wisdom dating back to Newton. Without his groundbreaking work in relativity and quantum physics, our knowledge of the cosmos might lag decades behind where it is today.

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How to Think Like Steve Jobs

by Daniel Smith

Published 12 September 2013

A titan of technological innovation, Steve Jobs thought differently to everyone else.

He had the mercurial ability to know what people wanted before they knew it themselves, and what's more, he knew how to sell that idea.

An advocator of good design in both function as well as...

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From Andrew Carnegie and Oprah Winfrey to Steve Jobs and Sunil Mittal, this book will teach you how to think like the best minds in the business.

Drawing on the stories, experiences and words of iconic business figures from around the globe and across the years, each chapter deals...

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How to Think Like Sherlock

by Daniel Smith

Published 11 October 2012

'You see, but you do not observe. The distinction is clear.'

Such were the words of the master detective Sherlock Holmes to Dr Watson, as he noted how his friend failed to implement Holmes's techniques.

In How to think like Sherlock you will learn how to increase your powers...

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How to Think Like da Vinci

by Daniel Smith

Published 8 October 2015

500 years after Leonardo da Vinci's death, learn about this great visionary's life and achievements and develop your understanding of one of the world’s most eclectic and extraordinary minds.

Famed for creating some of the most iconic images in European art – including Mona Lisa and The Last Supper –...

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How to Think Like a Philosopher

by Daniel Smith

Published 18 February 2021

From Socrates to Sartre, Avicenna to Angela Davis, this accessible guide will get you up to speed on the world's greatest minds and help you to think like them.

You've heard of Plato, but do you understand his Theory of Forms? What does Rene Descartes' maxim 'I think, therefore I...

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