Baby Fox

by Aubrey Lang

Published 10 June 2002
In northern Alaska, a female red fox is busy with her newborn litter, while her mate hunts for them both. As the first five pups grow, they are eager to venture farther outside the den. But for now, the biggest challenge is to decide who's boss. So the siblings begin weeks of fighting that will determine their place in the order. Only then can the lively youngsters play, developing their survival and hunting skills as they prepare to leave home one day.

Baby Mountain Sheep

by Aubrey Lang

Published 18 December 2007

Baby Lion

by Aubrey Lang

Published 8 January 2003

On the plains of East Africa, the lion cubs are hungry. The female adults of the pride are away hunting, and the little ones are often left on their own without the protection of another adult. Soon the hunters will come home and the pride will eat at last. But in the meantime, the cubs' rough play will help prepare them for the day when they are big enough to join the hunt or go off to establish a pride of their own.

Original color photographs taken in the wild Simple, informative stories Includes a Did You Know? Section of interesting facts Complete with introduction, table of contents, and index for parents and teachers A fine introduction to nature for preschoolers and primary readers

Baby Penguin

by Aubrey Lang

Published 5 September 2001

Baby Seal

by Aubrey Lang

Published 10 June 2002

Baby Sea Turtle

by Aubrey Lang

Published 22 February 2007
On a narrow strip of beach in Trinidad, a mother sea turtle comes to shore to dig her nest and deposit her eggs. Right from the beginning, the odds are against the hatchlings. Wild dogs, the rising tide, and other digging sea turtles could destroy the eggs before they hatch. The remaining baby sea turtles will scramble to the water as best they can - taking their first steps on a long and dangerous journey to maturity. This book includes: stunning colour photographs; clear concise text; a key facts page; and an index.

Baby Polar Bear

by Aubrey Lang

Published 6 September 2008

Baby Porcupine

by Aubrey Lang

Published 1 December 2005
This title follows a porcupette from her birth in a cave in early May until early fall when she is able to survive away from her mother. This talented writer/photographer team provides a well-balanced combination of information with extraordinary full-color photos obtained by observing a mother and her baby in a Minnesota forest. Readers are given insight into the animal's diet and behavior and a look at some of the other wildlife that shares her habitat. A captivating moment comes when a fisher comes after the baby while she is alone, and includes images of her attempt to protect herself by squeezing into some rocks and of her predator with a nose full of quills. Though the text is spare, the glimpses that it provides of the daily life of a porcupine are fascinating. A Did You Know? section offers additional bits of trivia. Deep in a Minnesota forest, a baby porcupine (called a porcupette) hides in a warm cave while she grows and develops. A climber from her second day in the world, the little porcupette is slow and pudgy; she is still in danger from predators.
But as she grows bigger and stronger, her quills will also grow, and soon she will no longer need her mother's protection.

Baby Grizzly

by Aubrey Lang

Published 31 March 2006

Baby Loon

by Aubrey Lang

Published 29 March 2022

Baby Alligator

by Aubrey Lang

Published 29 March 2022