Making Presentations

by Tim Hindle

Published 17 September 1998
Learn all you need to know about improving your presentation skills from thorough planning and preparation to selecting the best method of presenting and dealing with audience questions. Making Presentations not only shows you how to relax and prepare yourself mentally but also provides practical techniques for you to use when making a presentation. Power tips help you to handle real-life situations and develop first-class presenting skills that will dramatically improve your impact. This innovative series covers a wide range of management and personal development topics. Each title is a comprehensive yet compact source of easy reference for all those in or aspiring to a position of responsibility with a focus on developing and enhancing professional management practice.

Reducing Stress

by Tim Hindle

Published 17 September 1998
Learn all you need to know about coping with stress in the workplace from identifying the causes and symptoms of stress to monitoring your response to pressure and implementing coping strategies. Reducing Stress not only shows you how to reorganise your work practices and think positively but also provides practical techniques to use when dealing with potential problem areas. Power tips help you to handle real-life situations and develop first-class stress-management skills that will dramatically improve your ability to deal with pressure. This innovative series covers a wide range of management and personal development topics. Each title is a comprehensive yet compact source of easy reference for all those in or aspiring to a position of responsibility with a focus on developing and enhancing professional management practice.

Interviewing Skills

by Tim Hindle

Published 17 September 1998
Learn all you need to know about interviewing for recruitment from preparing suitable questions and structuring an interview to analysing information and reaching a decision. Interviewing Skills not only shows you how to choose a new person to fill a post or interview colleagues for a promotion but also provides practical techniques for you to use when interviewing. Power tips help you to handle real-life situations and develop first-class interviewing skills that will dramatically improve results. This innovative series covers a wide range of management and personal development topics. Each title is a comprehensive yet compact source of easy reference for all those in or aspiring to a position of responsibility with a focus on developing and enhancing professional management practice.

Manage Your Time

by Tim Hindle

Published 17 September 1998
Learn all you need to know about allocating your time wisely from assessing the reasons that time problems arise to distributing your time realistically and effectively. Manage Your Time not only shows you how to prioritise your workload and cope with other people's demands but also provides practical techniques for you to use when organising your time. Power tips help you to handle real-life situations and develop first-class time-management skills that will dramatically improve efficiency and results. This innovative series covers a wide range of management and personal development topics. Each title is a comprehensive yet compact source of easy reference for all those in or aspiring to a position of responsibility with a focus on developing and enhancing professional management practice.

Negotiating Skills

by Tim Hindle

Published 17 September 1998
Learn all you need to know about negotiating from preparing your argument and briefing a team to establishing the right atmosphere and closing a deal. Negotiating Skills not only shows you how to start from a strong position and find common ground with other people but also provides practical techniques for you to use when talking and bargaining. Power tips help you to handle real-life situations and develop first-class negotiating skills that will dramatically improve results and relationships. This innovative series covers a wide range of management and personal development topics. Each title is a comprehensive yet compact source of easy reference for all those in or aspiring to a position of responsibility with a focus on developing and enhancing professional management practice.