Book 1

Sweet Blood of Mine

by John Corwin

Published 15 March 2012

Justin's best friend wants to murder him and use his blood to raise a vampire army.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg. The girl Justin falls for might be sworn to toss him in supernatural jail. His parents are hiding dangerous secrets from him. And a feline shifter wants to have her way with him. Let's hope she likes to lick more than scratch.

On the upside, Justin's got some nifty new powers. The problem is he might not survive long enough to learn them. And Atlanta will be ground zero for a vampire takeover.

What's the Overworld, you may ask?

It's one giant universe of literary crack and urban fantasy action.

Book 2

Dark Light of Mine

by John Corwin

Published 18 July 2012


Justin managed to survive his initiation into the supernatural world and saved Elyssa and his father from certain doom.

Just when he thinks he can ride off into the sunset on a white horse, trouble not only knocks on his door, it plows through it with hellhounds.

Spawn relatives with their own agendas, vampires running amok, and his father marked for death, it seems there's no end to the kinds of monsters out to make Justin's life miserable. It's almost enough to make him long for the days of man boobs, Kings and Castles, and nerd status. With a list of impossible quests growing faster than he can keep up, tracking down the deadliest assassin in the world may prove easier than winning the approval of Elyssa's parents.

The clock ticking, and dark forces on his heels, Justin gets a crash course in the mysteries and dangers of the Overworld. But with Elyssa by his side and his growing menagerie of friends, impossible odds suddenly seem possible again.

Book 3

Fallen Angel of Mine

by John Corwin

Published 18 December 2012


During an escape from the gray men, Justin and Elyssa are stranded in Thunder Rock with a notorious Daemas, Kassallandra. They find a way out, but Justin is separated, thrown through a broken Obsidian Arch, and ends up in Colombia where he'll face his greatest challenge yet.

Meanwhile, Elyssa is captured by her father. He hates Daemos, hates Justin, and wants to put Elyssa through a ritual that will erase all memories of Justin.

Death can't stop true love, but a mind wipe probably will.

Thousands of miles from home with destiny breathing down his neck, Justin has to solve a mystery older than he is, overcome new enemies, and make a citizen's arrest on the crazy mofo behind the insanity so he can save Elyssa and gain acceptance from her family.

Because true love is totally worth it.

Book 4

Dread Nemesis of Mine

by John Corwin

Published 20 April 2013


When Justin's long-lost sister, Ivy, shows up at the funeral for Elyssa's brother, Jack, it seems like the family reunion Justin has long hoped for is finally here. But Ivy isn't interested in playing Barbie or hanging out at the mall with her big brother. She's on a mission against evil, and Justin is at the top of her big-bad-meanies list.

Before Ivy can carry through on her threats, Justin finds out that she's been kidnapped. The kidnapper is none other than Maximus, a self-styled rebel leader of his own army of vampires who once kidnapped Justin's father. He also happens to be a world-class douchebag. Despite Ivy's homicidal inclinations toward Justin, loyalty to family leads him to go after Ivy and settle things with Maximus once and for all. Unfortunately, nothing goes to plan, and Maximus's minions capture Justin.

But even as Justin fights to free himself, he discovers Maximus plans to use Justin's incubus blood to fuel his quest for world domination. And the rogue vampire isn't even at the top of the food chain. Far more powerful forces stand behind him: Daelissa the insane angel, Maximus's vampire sire, and, even worse, Justin's grandparents and, quite possibly his own mother.

Book 5

Twisted Sister of Mine

by John Corwin

Published 11 October 2013

little sister—BIG TROUBLE

Justin Slade is living on borrowed time.

The vampling curse is gnawing away at his body and his sanity. Because the cure might lie in his special kind of magic, Justin goes to Arcane University in a desperate attempt to unlock his powers.

When he runs into his little sister, Ivy, at the university, Justin realizes this might be his chance to convince her he's not evil. Even better, she might be able to cure him if her shape-shifting protector, Bigglesworth, doesn't eat him first.

Save his sister. Save the world. Save his life. With the clock ticking toward a future as a blood-sucking zombie, Justin has to make every second count.

Book 6

Dearest Mother of Mine

by John Corwin

Published 17 December 2013


When Justin finds out Daelissa plans to use his mother, Alysea, to reopen the gateway between the mortal and Seraphim realms, he decides it's high time to mount a rescue operation. But she's being held by Jeremiah Conroy, the most dangerous and secretive Arcane in the Overworld.

Of course, Justin's got even more problems when he accidentally kills the brother of Maulin Kassus. Who happens to be the leader of the Black Robe Brotherhood, deadly expert battle mages. And Kassus wants revenge.

If Justin can't locate the Conroys and avoid the Arcane mafia, not only will he never see his mother again, but Daelissa will be one step closer to world domination.

Book 7

Infernal Father of Mine

by John Corwin

Published 20 March 2014


Justin's reunion with his father starts with a punch to the face and their capture by Exorcists, a cult branch of the Templars supposedly disbanded centuries ago. The Exorcists banish Justin and his father, David, to the Gloom.

Fighting to escape exile, Justin discovers everything he knows about his father is a lie. Even worse, the man is a complete jackass who won't give a straight answer to the simplest of questions. But when they stumble upon a secret army being grown by one of Daelissa's minions, they realize much more than a healthy father-son relationship is at stake.

Justin and his father will have to escape the Gloom, bring back reinforcements, and crush the enemy before Daelissa marches her forces into the real world. Unfortunately, the army stands between them and freedom.

Daddy issues will have to wait. The war starts now.

Book 8

Sinister Seraphim of Mine

by John Corwin

Published 14 August 2014


Daelissa's army is on the move and gathering force. With Synod forces, vampires, the Exorcists, mercenary battle mages, the Blue Cloak army of the Arcanes, and the insidious Nazdal at her back, Team Evil looks unstoppable. Their new head strategist, Luna, seems to outthink Justin's forces at every move. To make matters worse, the insane Seraphim has even come up with a way to revive husked Seraphim with arctech developed from one of her former minions, Maulin Kassus.

Seeing no other way out, Justin enlists the help of Jeremiah Conroy and frees Kassus from prison. But Kassus is difficult to control, and Jeremiah is so obsessed with vengeance, the duo may do more to cripple Team Good than help it.

Desperate to raise more numbers, Justin hatches an idea to steal husked Seraphim from Daelissa so they can build a Darkling army of their own, but time is quickly running out.

Book 9

Wicked War of Mine

by John Corwin

Published 28 October 2014


Daelissa's attack on Queens Gate dealt Justin and the resistance a serious blow. The loss of his home and one of their strongest allies seems to mean certain defeat.

Justin isn't about to give up. He embarks on a mission to bring the houses of Daemos to his side and seeks help from Fjoeruss, Mr. Gray himself, even if the odds of success are slim.

As if the pressure isn't already high enough, Justin discovers something even more troubling. Daelissa is already in Seraphina. One silver lining remains: Justin might be able to end the war in one blow if his forces can disable the Grand Nexus before she returns with a Seraphim army.

If the good guys can't shut down the Grand Nexus in time, Daelissa will unleash a can of whoop-ass on Eden the likes of which has never been seen.

Book 10

Dire Destiny of Ours

by John Corwin

Published 28 January 2015


The last battle with Daelissa took a tremendous toll on the resistance. Elyssa is hanging onto life with the help of a preservation spell and Daelissa has new elite troops ready to conquer Eden. Justin realizes the only way to save the woman he loves and his home realm is to travel to Seraphina and ask the Darklings for help.

But the Darkling nation, Pjurna, is embroiled in its own war with the Brightlings and its leaders believe Justin is an enemy. His back to the wall on two fronts, Justin decides to take the gloves off and kick some ass.

If he doesn't, Elyssa will die and Daelissa will rule Eden.

Book 11

Aetherial Annihilation

by John Corwin

Published 2 May 2016


When crystal meteors slam to earth and drain the magical energy from the world, Justin and gang are once more pressed into action.

Confronted with the prospect of a world without magic, they'll face their toughest challenge yet—how to destroy the crystalline threat and discovering who's behind the attack. But the meteors are all over the planet and getting to them without the use of omniarch portals or magical transportation poses a daunting task.

If Justin and his allies can't disable the meteors in time, the world may lose magic for good and the supernatural community will be destroyed.

Book 12

Baleful Betrayal

by John Corwin

Published 11 May 2016


After the crystoid incident nearly destroyed all magic in Eden and killed a dear friend, Justin Slade wants payback. That means invading the angel realm, Seraphina, and squashing the usurper, Cephus, like a bug.

Unfortunately, another crystoid in Seraphina is preventing the Alabaster Arch from opening a portal into the realm. Using a sky portal from the last remaining crystoid in Eden, Justin launches a desperate bid to open the portal from the other side.

Cephus, however, is more than ready for a counterattack. Not only has he fortified his fortress, but he's built a new arch and plans to open a portal to the Void, releasing the Beast and Armageddon.

Enlisting the help of the Seraphim sky fishers and their fleet of flying ships, Justin has to repair the Alabaster Arch leading back to Eden and bring through the mightiest supernatural army Seraphina has ever known.

Book 13

Ominous Odyssey

by John Corwin

Published 22 August 2016


The mysterious new leader of the Brightlings is after a secret weapon. The catch? It's hidden somewhere in Voltis, a forbidden place where violent elemental forces will slap you around like a red-headed stepchild. Naturally, Justin can't let that happen and convinces Elyssa, Shelton, and Adam to tag along, because who doesn't want to ride a flying ship into hurricane-force winds while lightning tries to rip you a new one?

Based on a true story (it isn't) Ominous Odyssey is an inspiring story about why world domination is best left to the professionals.

Book 14

Insidious Insurrection

by John Corwin

Published 6 April 2017


Civil war tears apart the Darkling nation. The Eden army is too small, too battered to overcome the warring Darkling factions. Even more insidious, Justin discovers that Victus built a small army of demon golems created from parts of Nightliss's soul—and these dolems may soon control the Darkling legions.

The only army large enough to overcome the threat is controlled by Kaelissa, but she has her own designs on ruling Seraphina. But Justin has an idea that might just win the war and give him control over the Brightling Empire. It's time for one last desperate gambit.

It's time for an insurrection.

Book 15

Utopia Undone

by John Corwin

Published 21 June 2018


Justin and gang finally find a way back to Eden.

But the world they find isn't the one they left. The people are gone. Zombie-like creatures roam the streets. And the grand ruler of this dystopia is a man named Vokan.

How did Eden die? How did Vokan gain power over the ashes of civilization? None of the clues make sense and Vokan isn't giving straight answers.

What started as a jubilant return home becomes a lethal quest to fight Vokan and save the world yet again. But Vokan is no pushover and his kind of magic is something Justin has never faced before.

Getting slapped around has never stopped Justin, Elyssa, Shelton, or the others before. The odds are stacked against them and the stakes are higher than ever, but Justin won't stop until he's dead or a fresh can of whoop-ass has been served to Vokan.

Book 16

Overworld Apocalypse

by John Corwin

Published 12 October 2018


Baal rules Seraphina. Atlantis is in his cross-hairs.

Thanks to Conrad Edison, Justin and gang can finally get back to Eden and raise an army to fight Baal. More importantly, Shelton can get a much-needed taco.

But the Overworld lies in ruins after Victus's civil war tore it apart. Even worse, an anti-supernatural nom organization is systematically hunting down supers and taking over Obsidian Arch waystations.

Justin and gang are running out of time to fight off the noms and restore order. Because another doomsday clock is ticking—one in which either Baal rules the realms, or the rogue Apocryphan, Xanomiel, recombines the realms into one Earth and kills billions.

Book 17

Apocryphan Rising

by John Corwin

Published 3 July 2019

The Abyssal demigoddess, Xanos, has nearly destroyed the Overworld.

During a recon mission of a Razor Echelon base, Justin and Elyssa uncover Xanos's new weapon.

The Apocryphan is building a portal device that could allow her to transport troops anywhere, including right in the middle of Queens Gate. The Eden forces have nowhere else to run, so Justin seeks the aid of allies to prevent the obliteration of the supernatural resistance.

They learn that a woman might be the key to salvation. She has the power to open portals between realms and from one place to another within realms. With her help, they could counter Xanos before the portal device is completed.

But first, they have to find this woman. She's been missing for years, presumably hiding from Baal and his minions in another realm. Justin discovers there might be a way to track the portals she's opened before. So he and the gang start off on their most dangerous mission yet: traversing unknown realms with the faintest hope of finding the one woman who might save them all.

That woman is Emily Glass.

Book 18

Soul Storm

by John Corwin

Published 18 October 2019


When Baal launches a surprise attack against Justin and gang on Emily’s wedding day, Justin overuses his Apocryphan powers and nearly kills himself.

With his body clinging to life in a preservation spell, Justin is trapped in the afterlife. While there, he discovers that Baal’s plan to collapse the realms back into one world might not only kill billions, but also wipe out the souls of the dead.

Turning to old friends and enemies, Justin pools any resources he can and attempts to fight his way back to the land of the living. Can he make it in time to prevent Baal from locating the final Relics of Jura? Or will he be powerless to do anything but watch as the body count rises?

Book 19

Devil's Due

by John Corwin

Published 15 September 2020


Baal has assembled nearly all the major relics of Juranthemon.

Once the final pieces are in place, the realms will collapse, killing billions and erasing countless others from existence. Even the afterlife may be wiped into oblivion. Only two or three relics remain, and the sword of Jura, Unmaker, is in the worst place imaginable—the Void.

Thanks to the insane goddess, Eve, it's possible Baal already knows where Unmaker is, pitting Justin and gang in a race against time and the grand overlord of Haedaemos.

The Void swarm presents a challenge even for gods. It consumes everything organic right down to the soul. Opening a portal to the Void is dangerous enough. Entering the barren realm is suicide. But Justin may have a secret weapon—an unlikely ally with a way to enter the Void unharmed.

But as Justin and the others delve deeper into the mysteries of this barren wasteland, they soon discover there's far more to the Void than hideous bugs and the swarm. And the secret it hides could be the key to victory or annihilation.

Book 20

Overworld Ascension

by John Corwin

Published 27 January 2021


Elohim thumbed his nose at Eve's creation and started the countdown to annihilation.

With the relics of Juranthemon reassembled, the realms are collapsing in on themselves. When they hit ground zero, Earth will be recreated in a violent collision, destroying most life in the realms. If Elohim has his way, all life will be extinguished, paving the way for him to recreate things just the way he wants it.

Justin and gang have only one option to save the realms. A primal seed of creation, a crystalis, might provide enough power for their resident demigoddess, Emily, to stop the collapse. Failing that, they might be able to recruit Eve, provided she doesn't go insane and kill them all.

But there are major obstacles. Olivia muted Justin's powers and Emily's powers were corrupted during her last altercation with Eve. Any attempt to use her powers causes an equal and opposite malaether explosion. If she tries to stop the collapse with a crystalis, she'll probably blow up half the universe instead. She can't even reactivate Justin's powers without risking his life.

With only days left until the realms are bulldozed into oblivion, Justin and gang must fix Emily, recruit a mad goddess, and kill Elohim or all life in the Earth realms will be gone forever.