Pt. 1


by Lyn Lockwood

Published 1 September 2008
A crumbling world that has turned its back on gas and oil and is now dominated by huge wind turbines, whose menacing blades and towering presence have earned them the nickname of 'The Giants'. A terrified country at the mercy of the Millers; the tattooed shamans who reap the energy from the wind and can choose who lives and who dies. Sixteen year old Asha awakes to find her father and brother abducted by the Millers just days before the horrifying Summer Solstice. Asha and her childhood sweetheart Towan make a dangerous journey to the walled city of London where the ruined Houses of Parliament watches through its shattered windows as they desperately hunt for their lost ones; delving deeper and deeper into the dark hearts of the Millers. At the same time they uncover truths about themselves that bring them closer to the Millers than they would have ever thought possible. "Windscape" is a gripping story of magic, horror and adventure packed with dark humour and fantastic characters.