Where is your heart?  How do your lungs work?  What does your heart pump  around your body?

Find the answers to these questions and much, much more in this picture packed introduction to the human body.


Covering the key body systems, this series provides an essential introduction...

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Human Body: Your Brain

by Sally Hewitt

Published 20 May 2016

What does your brain do?  How does your brain carry messages  to your body?  Which foods are good for your brain?

Find the answers to these questions and  much, much more in this picture packed  introduction to the human body.


Covering the key body systems, this series...

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The Senses: Taste

by Sally Hewitt

Published 24 June 2016

How can you taste? How does your mouth works? What are the parts allowing you to taste your food?

The ideal first introduction to the five senses,  Science in Action explores the human  body using fun experiments and activities.  Senses provide all sorts of information about
what is going on...

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The Senses: Smell

by Sally Hewitt

Published 24 June 2016

How can you smell? How does your nose work? What is it made of?

The ideal first introduction to the five senses,  Science in Action explores the human  body using fun experiments and activities.  Senses provide all sorts of information about
what is going on around us. The activities in ...

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The Senses: Hearing

by Sally Hewitt

Published 24 June 2016

A hands-on first science series that uses fun  activities to explore the five senses – hearing,  sight, smell, taste and touch. 

The ideal first introduction to the five senses,  Science in Action explores the human
body using fun experiments and activities.  Senses provide all sorts of information about
what is...

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What does your esophagus do?  How long is your small intestine?  Which part of your body stores  the goodness from food?

Find the answers to these questions and  much, much more in this picture-packed  introduction to the human body.


Covering the key body systems, this series provides...

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Human Body: Your Bones

by Sally Hewitt

Published 24 May 2018

The Senses: Sight

by Sally Hewitt

Published 16 August 2018

How do we see? How do our eyes work? The ideal introduction to the sense of sight, this book uses fun activities to encourage readers to understand how their body works.

The Senses: Touch

by Sally Hewitt

Published 16 August 2018

How does the touch work? How can you feel? Witch part of your body allows you to feel? What are they made of? The ideal introduction to the sense of touch, this fascinating book is full of fun activities, accompanied by simple scientific explanations, that encourage young readers to...

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