Animal Cells

by Mason Anders

Published 1 August 2017
Animals Cells takes you inside the smallest unit of life. Learn how each cell's organelles work together to allow living things to function. Explore blood cells, muscle cells and nerve cells, skin cells and more.

Dna, Genes, and Chromosomes

by Mason Anders

Published 1 August 2017
Did you know that most of our body cells contain about 2 metres (6 feet) of DNA? Learn how DNA and genes determine each unique trait of plants and animals by taking a close look at the make-up and structure of DNA.


by Mason Anders

Published 1 August 2017
Are your eyes brown? Blue? Green? Why are they the colour that they are? Heredity takes a close look at the genes and traits passed down from mothers and fathers. Learn about dominant and recessive genes and how they determine unique characteristics.

Plant Cells

by Mason Anders

Published 1 August 2017
Plant Cells takes an in-depth look at all parts of a plant cell and how they function. Explore cell division and the three types of tissue plant cells are made of: dermal, vascula and ground.

Genetics Pack A of 4

by Mason Anders

Published 10 August 2017
The Genetics set takes you inside the smallest unit of life, a cell. Find out how the DNA and genes in every plant and animal determine unique characteristics. Learn how traits are passed down from generation to generation.


by Mason Anders

Published 1 August 2017