Women Explorers chronicles the lives of six intrepid women whose hunger for adventure and knowledge compelled them on paths of discovery around the world. Their discoveries not only brought stores of information on topics ranging from ancient dinosaur fossils to life in Tibet, but also challenged the established roles of women in their fields.

Sylvia Earle

by Susan Tyler Hitchcock

Published 1 March 2004
Women Explorers chronicles the lives of six intrepid women whose hunger for adventure and knowledge compelled them on paths of discovery around the world. Their discoveries not only brought stores of information on topics ranging from ancient dinosaur fossils to life in Tibet, but also challenged the established roles of women in their fields. Earle became the first woman to be appointed chief scientist of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. She pioneered the first underwater habitat for women divers through a program sponsored by NASA and the U.S. Navy, and is recognized as one of the foremost champions of oceanic conservation in the world.

Alexandra David

by Earle Rice

Published 1 April 2004
Examines the journeys and accomplishments of the Asian explorer and dedicated student of Tibetan Buddhism who became the first Western woman to visit the Tibetan capital, Lhasa.

Sue Hendrickson

by Ann Gaines

Published 1 March 2004
Women Explorers chronicles the lives of six intrepid women whose hunger for adventure and knowledge compelled them on paths of discovery around the world. Their discoveries not only brought stores of information on topics ranging from ancient dinosaur fossils to life in Tibet, but also challenged the established roles of women in their fields. Hendrickson made history in 1990 when she found the most complete T. rex fossil--named Sue in her honor--ever discovered. She continues to explore ancient ruins as an ocean diver.