Breaking Her No-Dating Rule

by Amalie Berlin

Published 1 January 2015

Snowed in with a hot ER doc!

Pretty massage therapist Ellory Star needs a fresh start! After yet another failed relationship she's decided to focus on finding herself-not a man. So her only resolution this New Year: no dating until she's ready! Although she hasn't counted on getting snowed in with delicious ER doctor Anson Graves...

It might not have been in her plan, but Ellory must face the fact that charming life-saver Anson might just be the one man worth breaking her 'no-dating' rule for!

New Year's Resolutions!
Resolutions are made to be broken...!

Return of Dr Irresistible

by Amalie Berlin

Published 1 January 2014
RETURN OF DR IRRESISTIBLE Jolie Bohannon never expected to see childhood sweetheart Dr Reece Keightly again. Now he's back to close down his family's circus, and after everything she's been through Jolie wants nothing more to do with him. Yet after one scorching, passionate tryst it's clear that Jolie will always find Reece irresistible! But should she trust him with her heart...?