In The New Superconductors, Frank J. Owens and Charles P. Poole, Jr., offer a descriptive, non-mathematical presentation of the latest superconductors and their properties for the non-specialist. Highlights of this up-to-date text include chapters on superfluidity, the latest copper oxide types, fullerenes, and prospects for future research. The book also features many examples of commercial applications; an extensive glossary that defines superconductivity terms in clear language; and a supplementary list of readings for the interested lay reader.

This volume presents an overview of the field of electromagnetic absorption, with an emphasis on the new superconducting materials. After an elementary introduction to superconductivity, the authors highlight those properties most essential to understanding electromagnetic absorption of the superconducting state. They then outline both basic theories and salient experimental results, emphasizing qualitative aspects and experimental measurements. Readers should gain not only a basic understanding of the subject but also an appreciation of the wealth of information provided by electromagnetic absorption measurements, as well as insights into the mechanisms of absorption.