This book tells the story of the Soviet and Russian lunar programme, from its origins to the present-day federal Russian space programme. Brian Harvey describes the techniques devised by the USSR for lunar landing, from the LK lunar module to the LOK lunar orbiter and versions tested in Earth's...

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China in Space

by Brian Harvey

Published 1 January 2013
The 21st century has seen the emergence, after the Soviet Union and the United States, of the third great space superpower: China. Here, in China in Space - The Great Leap Forward, Brian Harvey takes a contemporary look at the new Chinese space program. China has already launched its...Read more

Space Exploration 2007

by Brian Harvey

Published 19 October 2006

This book provides an annual update on recent space launches, missions and results. The annual, written for both young and older space enthusiasts, provides a regular, balanced review of all the world's major space programmes. It covers space exploration from a variety of angles: looking back at past missions,...

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Europe's Space Programme

by Brian Harvey

Published 14 February 2003
In Europe's Space Programme - to Ariane and Beyond, author Brian Harvey begins with the fledgling European rocket effort of the 1930s and the key pioneers of the period, examining the significance of the V-2 and the technological advances represented by its development. He shows how the Russians and...Read more

This work introduces the important emerging space powers of the world.

Brian Harvey describes the origins of the Japanese space program, from rocket designs based on WW II German U-boats to tiny solid fuel 'pencil' rockets, which led to the launch of the first Japanese satellite in 1970. The...

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Explorer was the original American space program and Explorer 1 its first satellite, launched in 1958. Sixty years later, it is the longest continuously running space program in the world, demonstrating to the world how we can explore the cosmos with small spacecraft. Almost a hundred Explorers have already...Read more

This, fifty years after Sputnik, is the definitive book on the Russian space program. The author covers all the key elements of the current Russian space program, including both manned and unmanned missions. He examines the various types of unmanned applications programs as well as the crucial military program,...

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The development of the space industry in the Asian and Pacific Rim region provides the context for this book. The two major countries hoping for leadership in the area (apart from China) are Japan and India, both of whom have significant launcher capabilities.
There is a general introductory chapter...Read more

Russian Space Probes

by Brian Harvey and Olga Zakutnyaya

Published 1 January 2011
Brian Harvey recounts for the first time the definitive history of scientific Russian space probes and the knowledge they acquired of the Earth, its environment, the Moon, Mars and Venus. He examines what Russian Space Science has actually achieved in furthering our knowledge of the Solar System, focusing on...Read more

The story of European-Russian collaboration in space is little known and its importance all too often understated. Because France was the principal interlocutor between these nations, such cooperation did not receive the attention it deserved in English-language literature. This book rectifies that history, showing how Russia and Europe forged...

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