Book 22

What do people really think about the plantings and vegetation in the urban area where they live? What do they love? This is a report by Landcare Research about people's attitudes to vegetation in the urban environment, based on a case study involving eight focus groups.

No 20

This is a report which details a 1996 national study in New Zealand of public perceptions and attitudes to rabbit calicivirus (RCD) - now called rabbit haemorrhagic disease (RHD). The study is based on seven focus groups consisting of members of the public and selected interest groups, followed by a national random survey of 600 people. Half of the survey respondents had also been interviewed in 1994, which allowed any changes in their views to be observed. Among the aspects covered in the report are perceptions of the rabbit problem, acceptability of control methods, attitudes to and perceptions of control technologies and RCD, and respondents' positions on the possible introduction of RCD to New Zealand. A comparison of responses to the earlier study in 1994 with those in 1996 is also included.