This is a drama of revolution in which Karl Marx assumes the roles of both the historian and playwright. It provides a useful analysis of a social and political crisis, so much so that it has been taken up and developed by theorists, notably Lenin and Gramsci, ever since.


by Karl Marx

Published December 1946

In this volume, Marx explains how profit is spontaneously regulated by the market mechanism despite the anarchic character of social production as a whole. Marx shows the potential and the limitations of the market inhis famous reproduction schema. But he does much more besides. He demonstrates the possibility of crises, the disruptive effects of the circulation of fixed captial, and he lays the theoretical foundations for analysing unproductive labour. These are of crucial theoretical importance, retaining their relevance for revealing the anatomy of modern captialism. In addition, through the presentation of the turnover and the circuits of capital, Marx mounts a powerful critique of certain economic theories.

Dynamics of Social Change

by Karl Marx and etc.

Published 1 January 1987