Book 31

Attracting Foreign Investment

by Sanjaya Lall

Published 1 January 1997
This paper examines recent trends in foreign direct investment in developing countries, analyses the determinants of foreign direct investment inflows, assesses the contribution made by new forms of foreign investment and provides policy suggestions on how to attract such investment. It aims to inform countries on the opportunities offered by both traditional and new sources of foreign investment and guidance on appropriate policies to increase inward investment.

Book 33


by Sanjaya Lall and Ganesh Wignaraja

Published 1 February 1998
This paper analyses the attempt by Mauritius to replicate the export success of the East Asia "Tiger Economies" by adapting outward-oriented trade and investment strategies. It reviews Mauritius' competitive strengths and weaknesses at the national and enterprise level: its policies for trade, industry, foreign investment, industrial technology, human capital and EPZ infrastructure, and provides a detailed strategy for sustaining future export competitiveness. The Mauritius experience offers valuable lessons for other developing and transition economies.