
by Paula R. Hartz

Published 31 July 1997
Offers a concise, current and readable survey of the world's great religions. Each volume describe where a particular religion is practised, its central beliefs and rituals, its contributions to world civilizations and analyzes how it has spread through immigration and conversion. 14 vol set ISBN 0816051690. Ages 10+.

Native American religions consist of a set of basic attitudes that relate people to their natural surroundings. Ceremonies that include stories, songs, chants, magic formulas, and prayers are intended to help the faithful focus on the essential yet often ignored things in life, such as the forces of nature, natural resources, and birth and death. In a clear and accessible style, Native American Religions, Updated Edition presents the common traits shared among the diverse Native American tribes, the ceremonies and rituals that are an intrinsic part of the lives of tribe members, the ethical and religious principles that guide believers to living a harmonious and balanced life, and the relationship between Native American religions and Christianity.


by Paula R. Hartz

Published 1 July 1999
Offers a concise, current and readable survey of the world's great religions. Each volume describe where a particular religion is practised, its central beliefs and rituals, its contributions to world civilizations and analyzes how it has spread through immigration and conversion. 14 vol set ISBN 0816051690. Ages 10+.

Baha'i Faith

by Paula R. Hartz

Published 31 July 2002
The youngest of the world religions, the Baha'i Faith is also one of the fastest growing, having increased from 200,000 followers worldwide in 1950 to more than six million members today. Originally founded in 1863, this religion's essential belief centers around the unity of all religions and the abolition of racial, class, and religious prejudices. This volume explores all aspects of the Baha'i Faith, from the original teachings of its founder, Baha'u'llah, to the modern-day communities that exist in 235 countries and territories throughout the world. All material in this volume has been updated to reflect the most current information. Coverage includes: "al-Kitab al-Aqdas" (The Most Holy Book of Baha'u'llah); the roots and spread of the Baha'i Faith; beliefs and teachings; worship and rites of passage; the future of the Baha'i Faith.


by Paula R. Hartz

Published 30 June 2009
Daoism is one of the great philosophical and religious traditions that grew and flowered in China. Unlike the great Western religions, Daoism has no one God or even a founding prophet. One of its central beliefs is that each person must follow his or her own path to the Dao, or 'Way of Life.' By being so universal and yet so personal, Daoism has exerted a significant influence on the spiritual life of many cultures both in Asia and throughout the world. ""Daoism, Third Edition"" traces the progress of Daoist thought, from the great Daodejing, or ""The Book of the Way and Its Power"" by Laozi, to the contemporary ""Tao of Physics"" by Fritjof Capra. This revised edition also examines the restoration of Daoism under China's religious freedom clause, the slow rebirth of Daoist monasticism, renewed interest in Daoism in China and abroad, and the impact of tourism on the monastic tradition. Coverage includes: meditation and the concept of wuwei; Daoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism; the growth and spread of religious Daoism; art and literature within Daoism; and political turbulence in the 20th century.