The Pear That Wasn't There

by Simon Chadwick

Published 22 December 2017
Lottie’s brother tries to persuade her to try a different fruit when they find that the supermarket is out of pears. But, in Lottie’s eyes, will anything ever compare to a pear?

Self-regulation refers to our ability to control our thinking, behaviours, emotional reactions and social interactions to...Read more

I Don't Miss The Shopping List

by Simon Chadwick

Published 22 December 2017
Dexter is off to the supermarket for his mum. Oh-No! Along the way he’s lost the shopping list! Now he must complete his task from memory. That should be easy enough, shouldn’t it?

Self-regulation refers to our ability to control our thinking, behaviours, emotional reactions and social...Read more

Polly And Her Lolly

by Simon Chadwick

Published 22 December 2017
Polly is helping her Dad with some shopping. As an early thank you he buys her a fantastic lolly. But Polly must wait until all the shopping is done before she can have a taste. Can Polly resist?

Self-regulation refers to our ability to control our thinking, behaviours,...Read more