Part of the six-volume History of Africa companion to the Peoples of Africa set, this book explores Africa's nations and leaders. Following a brief overview of the geography, climate and people that characterize the region, each historical era is explored in great detail.

Part of the six-volume History of Africa companion to the Peoples of Africa set, this book looks at the history of Central Africa. It covers Ingombe Llede, an Iron Age trading centre, Central African Christianity from 1482 to the present, David Livingstone and the civil war in Congo/Zaire.

Part of the History of Africa series, this book covers East Africa from prehistory to modern day. It looks at what life may have been like for the Nariokotome boy, Swahili culture and history, Lalibela - an Ethiopian church carved out of rock, the Lunatic Line and the civil war in Somalia.

An in-depth look at the history and dynasties of West Africa, this book covers: the Nok civilization; Kanem-Borno, home to one of the longest-running dynasties in the world; Fulani jihads; resistance against British rule led by Igbo women in the Women's War of 1929-1930; and Biafra.

From the Great Trek to the intriguing Zulu warriors, this book provides complete coverage of the countries of Southern Africa. It describes migrations and kingdoms; colonialism and resistance; and the independence movements that resulted in the continent's nations of today.